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Position:Home>History> What is totalitarian about Robespierre's ideas?

Question: What is totalitarian about Robespierre's ideas!?
also Why does Robespierre think terror is virtuous!? Please help, thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The totalitarian bit is done by murdering people who disagree with him!. He also murdered anyone he thought might disagree with him in some point in the future!. Robespierre was the French equivalent of Idi Amin- a mass murderer with political aspirations

Robespierre though that terror was "good" because he (Robespierre) used terror!. and since Robespierre was (in his own eyes) practically a God then nothing he (godlike Robespierre) did could possibly be nasty!. After all by killing people he did them a favour
I know it sounds crazy but that is how socialists think- they will anihilate a nation for its own good and "for the good of the people" which is a nice catchphrase but totally meaningless

Of course if anyone uses the same methods against them- then this is cruel, horrible and barbarian (not to mention counter-revolutionnary)!.

Cme to think of it, Robespierre ended up on the guillotine!. Hard to think of a more fitting end to that creep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Robbespierre took control of France when it was at its lowest!. By doing so, he was able to rise to the top quite quickly!. Once at the top, Robbespierre made sure that he was THE leader - almost like a king, rather than one of the leaders!. He made sure that he was in power using an iron fist!. Robbespierre is commonly linked to the term "Reign of Terror," for he notoriously used the guillotine excessively!. It was his tool to get rid of opposition and competition!. He believed terror was a way to get power, and that's what he wanted!. So he used terror (by repeatedly beheading people with the guillotine) to his advantage, to gain power!. And this went on for several years until Napoleon came along!. Www@QuestionHome@Com