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Position:Home>History> I need to make up some new laws for Ancient Rome, FAST!!!!!?

Question: I need to make up some new laws for Ancient Rome, FAST!!!!!!?
Hey, I have to get ready for school in like, 15 mins, so i need help FAST!!!! I am 13 and here is my question

I was asked to: Imagine you are the emperor of rome, it is your job to re-define what the Pax Romana will outline!. Provide a list of at least 5 rules or laws that would help the society run smoothly and succesfully!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The most important law for any powerful empire (Cheney and Bush take note) is that you want to define your limits, your borders, rather than wasting vast resources constantly trying to expand in wars that are remote from the political and economic heart of the empire!. So your first priority is to set boundaries and determine what areas you WON'T fight wars to expand into, and where you have to fight, if necessary, to defend vital interests!. In the real Roman Empire, Augustus largely did this, but he wasted too many resources fighting barbarians in what is now Germany!.

You can also try to come with some laws to encourage education and rules for disaster relief!. Trying to relieve provinces that had suffered disasters from things like floods, drought, earthquakes, volcanoes, was a major concern in Rome!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please, please, please put this in Homework Help where it belongs!. You have a better shot at getting what you need!.
And, next time, don't wait until the last minute!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Organized military
Centralized Government
democratic( not dynasties, or hierarchy)
