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Position:Home>History> How did World war 2 began? (put in as much detail as you can,web links will help

Question: How did World war 2 began!? (put in as much detail as you can,web links will help as well)!?
it is for an essay!.

I would like to know the process in which it happened!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In Europe, World War I occurred during the years of 1914 through 1918!. Germany faced the burden of defeat!. In the aftermath, Germany had to surrender a select area of land and money as compensation for the damage done!. Areas along the Rhine River were occupied by France for a time!. Germany was informed that its army had to have less than 100,000 men!. Germany was unallowed to have an air force or massive ships in its navy!. Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, took control of Germany in 1933!. He prosecuted and persecuted others for whom he had disdain for!. Hitler also expanded the size of the German air force, army, and navy!. He desired to seize land from other places, as well as hated many groups of people including Russians, Jews, and people with dark skin!. In 1938, Germany threatened Czechoslovakia, a small country, but the Allies decided to stay neutral in this event!. In fact the Britain and France made a pact with Germany, at Munich in September 1938, to take part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland!. Hitler promised that he would stop attacking, but six months later, he broke his promise and took over all of Czechoslovakia including the capital, Prague!. The Allies, not including the United States, thought Poland would be the next country Hitler attacked!. They promised to help Poland if it was attacked!.

In Asia, Japan attacked China in 1937!. To stop the United States defending its islands and other countries in the Pacific Ocean, Japan attacked the naval base on Hawaii named Pearl Harbor in December 1941!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i happen to know a lot about this so here goes!. prepare for an ear full!. Germany wanted to annex Poland and the French and British didn't agree with Adolf Hitler wanting to annex it to make it part of the German Nazi empire!. so they stated to Adolf Hitler that they would declare war on him and Germany if they so much as tried to invade the country of Poland!. Hitler didn't listen and invaded Poland!. Britain and France declared war and WWII began!. told you it would be an ear full!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

world war 2 started with the invasion of poland also known as the blitzkrieg, Nazi Germany then began to expand outward after attacking poland and the un didnt do anything until it was to late, germany had already conquerd most of europe with the help of stalin and mussilini, then the japs bombed pearl harbor and america kicked all there asses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YA is not a place for others to do your homework!. We can give you advice for what you have already learned, but having other give you answers is cheating!. Try looking up things in your book!. There is one specific event which most historians attribute to the cause of the war!. There are other minor ones, which with a little research, on sites other than YA, will be easy to find and write an essay about!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, here's some help!. It did NOT start with the German invasion of Poland or the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor!.

I'm quite serious!. HINT: Spanish Civil War, Japanese invasion of Manchuria, and Italian invasion of Ethiopia!.

Do your own research!Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG, you must be kidding!. Do your own research--or, go to your school or public library and have a librarian help you!.
This is a huge topic, and it's a lot to ask strangers on YA to do for you!.
LOL, Rob, you've done exactly what I've been tempted to do many times!. And it's just what people like this deserve!.
Edit: Sol, I hope you're kidding!.
And, gizmo, you're just digging yourself deeper with your added comments!. What the hell does "SO it a since it is" mean!?!?
Seriously, I'm a librarian!. Go to the library and ask a librarian to help you!. Just how lazy are you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand!. In 1789!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree with the second answer!. Shame on you for taking the lazy way out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nazis invaded Europe!. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, HI!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nazi Germany got out of control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com