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Position:Home>History> Are there currently any serious academic or archeaological studies/works being d

Question: Are there currently any serious academic or archeaological studies/works being done to uncover !.!.!.!.!?
the location of Atlantis!?

Or I should say the prehistorical civilization that influenced many ancient cultures that came after it and has had the myths of Atlantis transposed onto it!?

If so (or if not!?) What do you think of the current theories on its location!?

Serious answers please!? ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As far as I've read, there's no current serious work being done to discover the location of Atlantis!.

But I'm not losing hope - Atlantis may not be real (or maybe it was!), but there was SOME civilization now known as Atlantis that once existed, influenced the ancient world, and then disappeared!. I do think that one day the site of Atlantis will be found!.

Another thing to think about is the city of Troy!. A while ago, we thought the whole thing was a myth!. But then a random guy read the Odyssey and went looking for where the city should have been and - BAM! - he ended up finding some artifacts and now teams of archeologists are working around the clock to undercover all of it!.

There have been numerous writings about Atlantis - and not just by Plato - there have been Egyptian records indicating that Atlantis is not just a myth!. Critias was quite clear about date of Atlantis; he was also clear about the location: it lay in the ocean outside of the Pillars of Hercules!.!.!.!.I do think one day it'll be found!.

Sorry - I know I just kinda ranted and didn't really help you much, but maybe we can go looking for it together, ha! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are digs (not actual digs!. They'ree more like snorkeling) in several places around the world!. Aristotle never mentions the location of Atlantis so there are many theories and many possibilities!.

I don't believe people should be coming up with theories until we find proof the place exists!. History changes too much as it is!.

I do not ascribe to the particular theory that there were Atlantis survivors who went around and influenced other cultures but that is because I am studying to be an Egyptologist and can actually see where technology came in gradually, not all at once!.

edit: An explanation on the pyramids!.

The reason there are pyramids in many parts of the world is because of physics!. The taller an object gets, the wider the base has to be!. That's why a straight tower of blocks always falls after a certain point!. The Pyramid wasn't just an all at once innovation!. Ziggurats, which were temples, were extremely wide at the base and flat on the top where the places of worship were!. The Egyptians had over time developed burial chambers and a genious man named Imhotep placed several burial chambers on top of one another!. Later, Khufu expanded on this idea and built his experimental pyramid where he just kept piling more and more rock on it until it collapsed!. Thinking he had it all figured out, he decided to build one on the Giza plateau!. The sand underneath the pyramid shifted and the corners crumbled!. The second time Khufu made sure the sand was dug out until they reached hard enough rock to withstand the weight!. When the pyramid was near completion, the builders noticed some cracks inside the inner blocks!. Come to find out the pyramid was so heavy, it was collapsing on itself!. They changed the degree of the point and finished it!. This one is known as the "bent pyramid"!. The third pyramid was much smaller and was built with all this in mind!. It is known as the "perfect pyramid"!.

The pyramids in Central and South America took on a Ziggurat like design!. They were tall temples with steps!. This is why I have a hard time calling them pyramids!. They were made with elabborate carvings all over them!. All other pyramids and ziggurats do not have this added element!. They are also more steep than most other pyramids!. I have a hard time believing these pyramids could be connected to the ziggurats because the Maya lacked the technology of the arch!. There are examples of ancient arches in ziggurats but the Maya had none!. These would have been vital to the building of the underground tunnels underneath the pyramids!.

The Chinese pyramids, like the Egyptians were, death chambers!. The unique thing about the Chinese is that there was a significant amount of work done to try to keep them secret!. They too lack the use of arches but they do have large pits around them with sacred things for the after life in them!. This was a common Ancient Egyptian practice for Pharaohs!. Because the formation of these pyramids bear the most resemblance to that of the Egyptians, I would say this would be the most plausible point for this particular theory!. However, the Chinese pyramids were built relatively late and they were excellent ship builders so it is possible that the Chinese had seen the Egyptian Pyramids!. This theory is also a stretch but I find it more plausible than Ancient Atlantians spreading throughout the world and sharing their technology!.

The Nubians also had pyramids but they were not immense buildings!. They were skinnier because of the way they were built and were much shorter!. These ended up looking like very large gravestones!. Everyone agrees these appeared as a result of Egyptian influence over Nubia!.

Conclusion: The ancients had to follow the rules of physics no matter where they were and it us unlikely this information was shared because of the time intervals between the contructions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not specifically no, there was almost a russian expedition to study the celtic shelf while ago, but it was cancelled due to 'political' reasons apparently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Minoan civilisation,probably gave rise to the Atlantis myth!.It was destroyed,when the Tambora(!?) volcano erupted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Atapuerca, near Burgos in Spain!. The oldest human skeleton was discovered there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I subscribe to the island of Thera theoryWww@QuestionHome@Com