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Position:Home>History> What things did they do to test if someone was a witch??

Question: What things did they do to test if someone was a witch!?!?
i know that they used to dunk them in water and if they survived they were a witch but what were the other ways!?

(middle ages)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Poke them with a sharp needle like object over the body!.!.!.Supposedly there what was called a witches spot (maybe wrong about the correct name) that when poked or stabbed!.!.!.they felt no pain!.!.!.this spot was allegedly given to them when the devil touched them after they made their pact with him!.!.And actually !.!.!.I think that was the name of the spot!.!.!.the Devils Mark!.!.!.or something like that!.!.!.!.Now a days!.!.!.We just use standardized test for witches!.!.!.Multiple choice!.!.!.and true and false :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


They would tie them up and throw them into water!. If they didn't float they were not a witch!.

They would prick them with a needle!. If they bleed, they were innocent!.

They would also be put on a scale and and weighed against 2 huge bibles and if they were heavier they were innocent!.

Probably the most absurd, they would be pushed under water and if they didn't drown, they were a witch because water rejects evil and if they did drown they were innocent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.Read the history of the Spanish Inquistion!.This was at a time when all of Europe was Catholic!.All thier (inquistion) trials and tortures were based on heresy,witchcraft and not being a true believer!.For almost four centuries this evil was practiced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com