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Position:Home>History> What branch of science do you think George Eastman might have been involved in?

Question: What branch of science do you think George Eastman might have been involved in!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Though I have never read a great deal about Eastman I would suggest that there were at least a couple fields in science that he must had at least an aptitude and an interest!. The first would have to be the basics physics of light!. Light, or the lack of it, was an important consideration in early photography!. It still is but technological advancements allow us now to create light for pictures or adjust settings to allow for longer exposure times!. Another important area of science that Eastman must have been involved with was chemistry!. There were chemical substances and compounds that were needed in the process!. He worked with them and experimented!. Www@QuestionHome@Com