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Position:Home>History> Why where the Russian,Ottoman and Austria-hungry empires crumbling and the start

Question: Why where the Russian,Ottoman and Austria-hungry empires crumbling and the start of world war I!?
just some reasons were they all the same or different i can't find real reasonsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the start of WWI all three empires were suffering from governmental corruption, socioeconomic backwardness, and internal chaos!.

In the beginning of the 20th century, the Ottoman Empire was commonly nicknamed "the sick man of Europe"!. It was over five hundred years old, and had not had any governmental reforms in over a century!. The imperial court in Istanbul was corrupt, and rarely bothered itself with country's problems beyond the capital!. The Ottoman sultans busied themselves with decadent and trivial past times, leaving the governing to corrupt officials and eunuchs!. In the provinces, regional bureaucrats overtaxed peasants and embezzled government money!.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was often plagued by ethnic hatred and violence, and the years leading up to WWI were particularly bad!. The largest minority, the Magyars (Hungarians) were increasingly demanding independence!. also the Austro-Hungarian Empire controlled the Balkans, the most ethnically diverse and violent region in Europe!. Many ethnic groups were demanding independence, including the Serbs, the group responsible for the terrorist group "the Black Hand" which carried out the assassinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie that sparked the beginning of WWI!.

Russia had remained backwards for centuries!. Economically, the country was similar to France just before the French Revolution, with 90% of the nation's wealth in the control of top 2% of the population!. Growing protests groups against the Czarist regime, including the Bolsheviks, were demanding reform!. WWI, and a particularly bad winter and widespread starvation in 1914 sparked protests, which eventually grew into the Russian Revolution!.

Hope all this helps,

Mostly because the industrial revolution and what came with passed them by!. They were playing catch up and couldn't!.

They were also saddled with political systems that could not create a environments to take advantage of the new era!.

Time had passed them by!.

Crumbling is what all empires do, eventually!.

But those three empires were technologically backward and having difficulty catching up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hungry!? You have got to be joking!Www@QuestionHome@Com