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Position:Home>History> 3 reasons why Britain's success in defeating French led to their future fail

Question: 3 reasons why Britain's success in defeating French led to their future failures in dealing with its colonial!?
I have to write an essay!. I have two topics, French aid and the creation of an enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They spent a fortune on the French and Indian Wars and couldn't raise enough to assemble a more formidable fighting force!.

Since they were broke they instated many taxes that angered the American people leading to the phrase "No taxation without representation!."

England was involved in many other conflicts in Europe and other places and actually had 2nd class generals fighting in the revolutionary war!. Eventually the war was taking too much of a toll so they simply said, "It's not worth it" and surrendered!. That's why they came back for the war of 1812, they got some things in order and came back!.

The Americans began to adopt the Native American fighting style of guerrila warfare where they would hide in the forests and attack rather then face the army on an open field!. This was made popular by Francis Marrion otherwise knows as the Swamp Fox!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French and Indian War (among the other wars that took place in the time) let the Colonists experience first hand that although the British won, that they were not invincible as they had been portrayed!. They had lost many battles and lost many men to the French and Indians, and this gave the Colonists the idea that the British could be defeated!.

The military experience that the Colonists gained from these conflicts (fighting alongside the British) gave them much confidence in their military capabilities!. It is said that the American fight for independence did not start at Lexington or Concord, but with the American victories against the French at Montreal and Quebec!. (French Canadian strongholds)

When the Revolution broke out, France didn't as much want to help her former enemies (the colonies) but wanted to hurt Britain as Britain had hurt France!. For THIS reason and NOT to help the colonies gain independence is what made France contribute to the American Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The French aided the US in it's war of independence in order to make life difficult for the British!.

You really should do your own research - how accurate or detailed do you expect YA information to be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When England won QUebec from France, she set very large boundaries for Quebec, which Americans weren't allowed to settle in!. Thus, the Quebec Act became on of the complaints for the Am!. revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com