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Position:Home>History> What impact did nazi propaganda have?

Question: What impact did nazi propaganda have!?
Was is successful!?
if possible please also describe the impact that this particluar propaganda poster had at the time



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nazi propaganda was very successful in portraying the Germans as supermen and making Hitler seem almost godlike!. What Nazi propaganda did best was make the German people think that world conquest was their destiny and possibly their duty to conquer all people who were "inferior" to them!. It really pushed the notion that they were the master race, Goebbels did a very effective job as Minister of Propaganda in many ways!. Not only were posters an effective tool but also the speeches Hitler gave were very carefully orchestrated the way he would begin the speech very calm and work himself into a frenzy by the end of it, that was a great piece of acting!.

That particular poster is from 1944 so it's impact might have been less effective than propaganda from the beginning of the war!. Toward the end of the war people didn't fear the Americans as much as they did the Russians, even when Germany itself was invaded soldiers and civilians had a much greater fear of the Russians getting to them first!. As the war went on it became harder to sell it to the people when their homes were destroyed and they had trouble finding food, water and shelter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nazi propaganda had a massive impact, Imagine a world without TV, independent radio, internet, mobile phones etc!.!.
The only information you had was in the form of propaganda designed to provoke a reaction and, ultimately, a form of control!.

The posters quite good, if you look you'll see the 'monster' is made up of all the negative aspects of the US which you can spot!.!.(well, negative according to the Germans)!. The KKK (which is ironic considering the Nazi views on race), criminality (see the striped armed convict), greed, jewish influence, depravity, inhumane weaponry!.!.!.

The term 'liberators' is an irony, it is intended to make the viewer think "Why do people call the Americans liberators!? their country is monstrous! They will destroy us!"Www@QuestionHome@Com