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Position:Home>History> What factors during the reign of Louis XV hastened the coming of the French Revo

Question: What factors during the reign of Louis XV hastened the coming of the French Revolution!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He seemed to be aware of the forces of anti-monarchism threatening his family's rule and yet failed to do anything to stop them!. Popular legend holds that Louis predicted, "After me, the deluge" ("Après moi, le déluge")!. In fact this quotation is more precisely attributed to Madame de Pompadour, although it is not certain that even she ever said it!.

His weak and ineffective rule was a contributing factor to the general decline that culminated in the French Revolution!. In addition, the king was a notorious womanizer, although this was expected in a king; the monarch's virility was supposed to be another way in which his power was manifested!. However, popular faith in the monarchy was shaken by the scandals of Louis’s private life and in the shadows of the scandalous court at Versailles, and by the end of his life he had become the well-hated!.

His wife Marie Antoinette spending tons and tons of money!. they lived very wealthy while much of france was very poor!.
the country was in debt from funding of other wars!. like the American revolution!. unemployment!. taxation!. absolute monarchy!.
the national Assembly with the majority of the third party(the poorer part!.) was annoyed with the two richer parties!. storming of the bastille!.

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