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Position:Home>History> Which ancient civilization has had the most impact on the world?

Question: Which ancient civilization has had the most impact on the world!?
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Ancient Greece formed much of the foundation of modern society, which the Romans then took and expanded!. When we think of ancient Greece, it's mostly Athenians that had the great achievements except for the military superiority of Sparta!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

many would think that the romans do because they were the stongest and conquered so much!.!.BUT they actually got all of there intelligence from the greeks before the,!. The greeks had the most impact on the world!.!.they invented math and numbers and the alphabet, they had scholars and philosophers way ahead of their time!. they had the most modern medicine of their time and knew how to live healthy and had certain ways of washing their faces (with lavender and milk), brushing their teeth (with ground brick) and they had many remedies to keep their people healthy they also were very intelligent and had many writings and teachings passed down to the generations to come!. The greeks had the most impact on the worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Hebrews!. The practiced one of the first forms on monotheism, Judaism!. From Judaism you get Christians and Muslims!. The world has been in an battle ever since, from the Crusades, to the Spanish Inquisition to the Holocaust all trying to figure out whose G-D is great!. The Jewish G-D, Hashem, The Christian G-D, Jesus, or the Muslim G-D, Muhammed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on which part of the world you livie in!. China has had less impact on the Western world than Rome or Greece, but if you were living in China, you would be right to say that ancient China had the most influence on your day to day life!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say the mayans, they had a huge impact on the world, they were one of the most advanced races at that time if not hte most!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Rome has the greatest impact but it was built using foundations put in place by Greece!. so really the answer is Greece because without it, Rome would not have been the sameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Either Ancient Rome or Ancient GreeceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ancient Greece or ancient Rome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Sumeria is to history what the alphabet is to language!. (Pause…think about that for a second so you get my drift please) One most first learn the alphabet before learning words and words before sentences and sentences before paragraphs, etc!. One thing is dependant upon the thing which precedes it!. We build upon knowledge and understanding a stone at a time!. Sumeria is the acb’s of western history; the alphabet!.

When the Sumerians built the first cities, they created the first of almost every fundamental and essential element of our civilization because they were compelled to do so, because they were the first to confront the issues associated with civilization!. That was then adapted by succeeding peoples, generation after generation of humankind who took what the Sumerians achieved and added, and or subtracted from what they learned!. Civilization has been built brick by brick until this day and Sumeria was the first brick, the foundation upon which all others are placed!.

History, in our case Western History to be more precise, is a series of adaptations, re-examination, modification and then implementation of ideas given to us by preceding generations starting with the first, Sumeria!. All that we do today, including our very special Judeo/Christian religion has its origins in Sumeria!. The idea and questions regarding government…do we need a government, why we need it, what is its form to take and what are its responsibilities to us and what are ours to it…were all first asked 6000 years ago in the world’s first cities!. Succeeding peoples have added, re-interpreted and either advanced or restrained civilization, in accordance with their own needs, ever since!.

From them, civilization spread across the Fertile Crescent towards the Sea, then upward into Anatolia and downward to Egypt where it ran head long into a culture that was very much its cousin!. (Let’s stop here and remember that there is a strong relationship between civilization and culture, but they are two separate ideas!.) It mixed with that civilization, and then spread to the Greek isles and eventually the mainland, coming at the Greeks from two directions; Anatolia from the east and Egypt from the south!. “Asia” is a Greek based word that loosely means “That shore line right over there that I can see from here in Greece!.” It was that close!. They had a deep relationship with the Mid-East and Egypt!. It was from Asia the Greeks learned to write and do complicated mathematics!. Even during the time of Alexander, it was Mid-Eastern ideas that crept into his way of thinking!. (God King) When confronted by a Greek tourist around 500 BCE, an Egyptian priest was over heard to say “And to think, we taught those upstarts all they know!.”

Scholars of yester-year liked to claim in their Euro-centric haze that Greece was the birth place of Western Civilization where now we know, because of advanced archeological work and discoveries, a better statement is that Greece was the first of what became the European interpretation of Mesopotamian Civilization!. What occurred was the Greek culture putting its own spin on Mesopotamian civilization!.

I think you know from there it was spread to Sicily, Italy and into Europe: And them being our forefathers, to you and me!.

So again, as Sumeria gave birth to our civilization, understanding them assists us in understanding all that came afterward, including we today living in the Western Hemisphere!. It is difficult to fully understand where and what we are today if we do not fully understand our complete heritage: From letters to words, to sentences, to paragraphs and from there to understanding!.

That is the way I have come to see it and maybe you will give that some study and thought!.

This being the case, Sumeria far and away was the most influential of ancient cultures and civilizations in that, it was the first and by that very fact, had to do every thing first!. Thus they set the essential foundations for all the civilizations which came afterward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


BY FAR THE ROMANS Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Mayans!? Www@QuestionHome@Com