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Position:Home>History> What would the world be like if Hitler never existed and the Holocaust never hap

Question: What would the world be like if Hitler never existed and the Holocaust never happened!?
I've always been wondering about this!.!.!.since Hitler was the reason WWII started, which led to other major events long after his death like the Cold War, the fall of the Berlin wall, long lasting effects on Jewish families after the Holocaust, would those events still happen even if Hitler was never born!? What would the world be like today if the Nazis never existed!? Since the World War II was the reason why the United States came out as the world's Superpower, would the Untied states still be the superpower today if WWII never occured at all!? Any answers and opinions are welcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WWII would still have occurred!. Hitler was simply a rhetorician who was able to persuade the Germans that things could be better, and tapped into the exasperation felt after the Treaty of Versailles placed impossible conditions on the Germans!. These meant that when the Stock Market crashed and the World entered the depression, Germany had hyperinflation, and generally things went down the Thomas J!. Another person would have filled his place!.

As for the World, I actually think it would be worse off!. Anti-semitism, although being far from dead today, is nowhere near as prominent as it was in the 1930's!. Whether Germany was divided or not would depend on the person who replaced Hitler (if he didn't make the mistake of Operation Barbossa (attacking Russia) Germany could well have won)

The U!.S's power wouldbe nowhere near as great!. Although they were poor after the War it was nowhere near the same level as the Europeans who had been continually bombed!. It was more a relative affluence that grew into a real difference overtime!.

Hope this helps (I love counter factual History)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No Hitler or Nazis!? Whoever took over Germany would try to restore her to her former stature, and stop there!.

Germany was Russia's only friend while others in the West isolated her, this would continue!.

Russia would not have become a great-power, as she became heavily industrialized partly as a result of ww2!. America would not have become a great power - though she had much industry - because she would not have had a chance to prove how powerful she was!.

State of Isreal would probably exist, just take longer in progress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think things would have turned out any differently!. Hitler was a product of his time and at that time there were a lot of people in Germany who were against the Jews and against communism and basically upset with the rest of the world because of how they were treated after WWI!. Hitler gave those people a voice!. But if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else!. The Germans were hungry for someone to restore the national self respect that was taken from them following WWI!. They would have supported anyone who promised to restore their national pride!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If Hitler hadn't existed there would have been someone just like him to take his place in history! Remember how many right hand men he had, who also played major roles in the atrocities committed!. Some of them even came up with awful things originally (Goering, Himmler, Goebbels-Hitler wasn't responsible for thinking of every plan)!. So I think the war would have occurred without Hitler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True, Israel would not exist today, nd the war in Iraq would not exist, because that is a direct cause of Zionism!. But then, Russia would have started WWII, quite possibly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WWII would have been delayed till we had nukes, but it wouldnt be deterred by the knowledge about the devastation caused by a total war, so the world would be ruled by cock roaches!. also the US was the global economic power before WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler wasn't the reason WWII started!. It's more complex and difficult!. WW2 was the result of WW1 and the reason WW1 started was the control over the colonies!.But it's more complex!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

During WW1 hilter had a friend who ran in front of him during a charge and got shot and died!.I 2 do wonder how the world would be like with out hitler but i guess well never know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The state of Israel would not exist