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Position:Home>History> Why did the start of monotheistic religions have a big impact on early societies

Question: Why did the start of monotheistic religions have a big impact on early societies!?
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One God has always been unique, in the earliest societies peoples custom fit gods merged to create families of God's Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, Babylonian, etc!. all in contrast to the one true God YaHVeH which was earliest, there is proof of the powers of these false gods as the Bible has stated "Anti Christs" or "like Christs" People used to sacrifice their first Born's to Mo-lech(Moses' Golden Calf was actually a golden censer for Mo-lech to practice this to false gods that required this!. Same runs true in all of these religions early on!. It was only in the last 2000 years that people started Monotheism as the population realized multiple gods created strife/conflict with creation you can't get more than 2-3 together without some argument or division therefore there must be One eternal Being who designed it all!. Now Muslim divides its heritage from Abraham he had Ishmael first and should have had First Born rights however the promised seed was Issac and that is where the division of Zionists and Muslims starts!. Christians were before Mo-hammed but after Ishmael who also separate from Zionists slightly in that the Meshiach has already arrived and left to be with the Father!. Zionists are still waiting for the Temple to be built for His Return!. The Adversary is very clever about misdirecting the faith of many and the latest God is "Evolution" which is to scientifically disspell God altogether, this is more flawed than the false gods because in order for there "to be" something has to have always been(eternal) and since everything in the known universe is datable and nothing has renewed itself to an eternal status it is fatally flawed, but a great excuse to live as you want and not have an ethical responsibility to humanity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com