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Position:Home>History> How was the holocaust like?

Question: How was the holocaust like!?
It seems like it was terible,I mean really just listen to the song Red Sector A by Rush!.
Tell me everything you know about the holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Clayton you can't just ask a question and say "tell me everything you know about the holocaust"!. It's not like the Civil War or anything when you can just tell someone what they were fighting about!.!.!.there was so much going on during the holocaust, it's too much to explain!. I think you're better off looking it up but I will tell you of what I know!. I learned about it last year so hopefully my knowledge of it is broad!.

It started in the 1930s when the Nazi organization began to rise to power, and when they did it slowly started taking over!. Hitler was of course in charge of this organization, it's called Fascism!. Everyone follow your orders, and if they don't, shoot 'em!. Jews were moved into ghettos (no not our kind of ghettos), but that they were moved into all one place and kept there as if they needed a babysitter!. They were ran out of their houses by Nazi Germans!. Let me add, many of these Nazis were raised from BIRTH to hate anyone not of their descent or race!. There was much propaganda in Germany which means that you only got told what the government wanted you to know!.!.!.people that were raised this way, they were never told it's wrong to kill others because they weren't white!.!.!.Germany kept feeding them the fact that it's okay!.!.!.and any outside forces were kept well!.!.!.outside!.

I'm not gonna give you a biography of everyone involved, but it truly is interesting Clayton!. There were the camps, the uhm what do you call it!? The crematorium!. horrible place!. They burned the peoples bodies!.!.!.alive or dead!. Children were taken from their mothers, and you dared not stand up for yourself!. You couldn't commit suicide either!. They had guards watching you 24/7, there was no way in heck they are gonna let you get off easy and commit suicide though committing suicide was not necessarily getting off easy!. They needed laborers and that's all that mattered!. The doctors there, they had occasional check ups!. If you were ill, too old, too young, or your body was just good no more he checked you off and you were to go to the crematorium or to the gas house!. The doctor's name was Josef Mengele, horrible horrible man!. He did experiments and tests on many people there!. If you were a twin, he took the twins and tested the to find out WHY they were twins, and if he accidentally killed them oh well!. If you had 2 different color eyes, he had you in a lab and was doing something to your eyes!. Showed any signs of mental disorders!? You were with him and he was experimenting!.!.!.he did shock tests too!. I don't remember exactly what those are but they were bad!. I remember he also did something to women and men where he like "stopped" their reproductive system!.!.!.that may be the shock tests I'm talking about!. he was an evil man, he didn't care if it was a baby or a grown adult!.

and of course!.!.!.!.there was the Death Marches!. Women would walk those!. They had women just walking, alot of times in the snow!. But where were they walking!? Most likely no where, they were doing it to get them out of the camps because the Russians, or the British or the Americans were bombing the camps and the SS (nazi leaders) had to get out and get out their laborers!. I remember reading about it and there were a couple survivors!. One woman told the story of her friend, that they had not eaten and her friend died of starvation!. But her friend did have food!. Her body had been so starved, that when she finally got food!.!.!.it best not that she eat it!. When your body is starve, it accustoms itself to feed off of itself!. When she finally got the food, she refused to eat because she knew if she did she would die!. When your body has no food and has changed its ways, then food reenters!? Not good!. Not good!. Your body will reject the food cause it doesn't know how to take it, actually your body will die because the food is too much of a process!. It doesn't know how to process it and the food is too much for the body, so if she ate she would die!. But if she didn't eat, she would still die because her body was feeding off of herself! So either way, because of starvation, she would die!.

You should read the book Night!. I can't remember who it is by, but it is not a long book AT ALL!. It's written by a holocaust survivor and it is not one of those boring long history books!. I read it last year in the 8th grade and I loved it!. It's sad but true, the story I mean!. also maybe read the book The Diary Of Anne Franklin!. Anne Franklin died in the holocaust but in her years of hiding before she actually was found out, she kept a diary!. She was only 13 at the time and it's interesting to read what she had to say!. She died at the age of 15 I think of sickness when she was found hiding with her family!. interesting books!.

I can't sum up the whole holocaust for you because there is WAY more, there's the way they teased the Jews!. Many Jews not believe Jesus Christ as their savior!.!.!.so they follow the old laws of the Old Testament which is dont eat pork etc!.!.!.but yet the SS constantly yelled at them and called them "swine" which is a group of pigs!. Pigs were considered dirty in the Old Testament, and they have strict laws not to be associated with them pretty much, yet the SS teased them in such ways!. There's the thing where some women were raped helplessly, where children had to watch their mothers and fathers being taken away to be burned alive in the crematorium!. They even smelled the flesh burn because it wasn't like now!.!.!.they were all in the same place!. the same place, even with the crematorium, you could see the smoke and the embers and smell the burning flesh of their own parents, brothers, sisters, friends and family!.

There was the thing that regular Germans who knew about the holocaust could not help because if you dare oppose Hitler you are killed and many Germans were afraid to speak for the Jews but they felt it was their responsibility to do something, so what do they do!?

There was the thing of Himmler, Hitler's second in command best buddy!. Evil man!. There's so much that I just can't tell it all to you, it's best to read the books Night and The Diary Of Anne Franklin, it would you ALOT to understand what exactly happened, especially the book Night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Holocaust (from the Greek ?λ?καυστον (holókauston): holos, "completely" and kaustos, "burnt"), also known as (Ha-)Shoah (Hebrew: ?????), Churben (Yiddish: ?????), is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, as part of a programme of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi) regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler!.

Other groups were persecuted and killed by the regime, including the Gypsies; Soviets, particularly prisoners of war; Communists; ethnic Poles; other Slavic people; the disabled; homosexuals; and political and religious dissidents!. Many scholars do not include these groups in the definition of the Holocaust, defining it as the genocide of the Jews, or what the Nazis called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question!." Taking into account all the victims of Nazi persecution, the total number of victims is estimated to be nine to 11 million!.

The persecution and genocide were accomplished in stages!. Legislation to remove the Jews from civil society was enacted years before the outbreak of World War II!. Concentration camps were established in which inmates were used as slave labour until they died of exhaustion or disease!. Where the Third Reich conquered new territory in eastern Europe, specialized units called Einsatzgruppen murdered Jews and political opponents in mass shootings!. Jews and Roma were crammed into ghettos before being transported hundreds of miles by freight train to extermination camps where, if they survived the journey, the majority of them were killed in gas chambers!. Every arm of Germany's bureaucracy was involved in the logistics of the mass murder, turning the country into what one Holocaust scholar has called "a genocidal state!."
The word "holocaust" has been used since the 18th century to refer to the violent deaths of a large number of people!. For example, Winston Churchill and other contemporaneous writers used it before World War II to describe the Armenian Genocide of World War I!. Since the 1950s its use has been increasingly restricted, and it is now mainly used to describe the Nazi Holocaust, spelled with a capital H!.

"Holocaust" was adopted as a translation of "Shoah" — a Hebrew word connoting catastrophe, calamity, disaster and destruction — which was used in 1940 in Jerusalem in a booklet called Sho'at Yehudei Polin, and translated as The Holocaust of the Jews of Poland!. "Shoah" had earlier been used in the context of the Nazis as a translation of "catastrophe"; for example, in 1934, Chaim Weizmann told the Zionist Action Committee that Hitler's rise to power was an "unvorhergesehene Katastropha, etwa ein neur Weltkrieg" ("an unforeseen catastrophe, perhaps even a new world war"); the Hebrew press translated "Katastropha" as "Shoah!." In the spring of 1942, the Jerusalem historian BenZion Dinur (Dinaburg) used "Shoah" in a book published by the United Aid Committee for the Jews in Poland to describe the extermination of Europe's Jews, calling it a "catastrophe" that symbolized the unique situation of the Jewish people!. The word "Shoah" was chosen in Israel to describe the Holocaust, the term institutionalized by the Knesset on April 12, 1951, when it established Yom Ha-Shoah Ve Mered Ha-Getaot, the national day of remembrance!. By the 1950s, its translation, "Holocaust," popularized by Yad Vashem, had come routinely to refer to the genocide of the European Jews!.

The usual German term for the extermination of the Jews during the Nazi period was the euphemistic phrase Endl?sung der Judenfrage (the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question")!. In both English and German, "Final Solution" is widely used as an alternative to "Holocaust"!. For a time after World War II, German historians also used the term V?lkermord ("genocide"), or in full, der V?lkermord an den Juden ("the genocide of the Jewish people"), while the prevalent term in Germany today is either Holocaust or increasingly Shoah!.

The word "holocaust" is also used in a wider sense to describe other actions of the Nazi regime!. These include the killing of around half a million Roma and Sinti, the deaths of several million Soviet prisoners of war, along with slave laborers, gay men, Jehovah's Witnesses, the disabled, and political opponents!. The use of the word in this wider sense is objected to by many Jewish organizations, particularly those established to commemorate the Jewish Holocaust!. Jewish organizations say that the word in its current sense was originally coined to describe the extermination of the Jews, and that the Jewish Holocaust was a crime on such a scale, and of such specificity, as the culmination of the long history of European antisemitism, that it should not be subsumed into a general category with the other crimes of the Nazis!.

Even more hotly disputed is the extension of the word to describe events that have no connection with World War II!. The terms "Rwandan Holocaust" and "Cambodian Holocaust" are used to refer to the Rwanda genocide of 1994 and the mass killings by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia respectively, and "African Holocaust" is used to describe the slave trade and the colonization of Africa, also known as the Maafa

you said to tell you everything i know about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To put it in perspective, once I saw pictures of what had been done during the Holocaust, I became an athiest!. No loving god would ever let such a thing happen!. I really don't even think that the Holocaust can be described!. It was one of the most disgusting acts of all humanity!.

EDIT: You should definately watch Schindler's List!. It's a brilliant movie!. But expect to cry, seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a fiery, disgusting display of human primeval sadism!. The Nazis would burn their captives in furnaces, gas them with experimental toxins, and perform gruesome experiment on them!. Many of the experiments revolved around creating a perfect race of blonde-haired, blue-eyed people called Aryans!. On top of that, they were forced to do dangerous labor with the fer of being executed at any given moment for no reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it was terrible, but no more so than other similar acts by other humans - we all too often are corrupted by power - see history of people like Pol Pot, Stalin, and many other regimes that held too much power and abused it horribly!. There are some documented cases of people who did NOT abuse power when they had it, and of people without power who nevertheless held out against being pushed to do horrible things - unfortunately, many of these cases are obituaries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all i have to say is, if there really is a "god", then why did he finally stop WWII after millions of innocent people had to die!? it is the most horrible thing in history!. nothing comes close to being as cruel, inhumane, and pure evil as the HolocaustWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is a series of books titled "Maus" that'll tell you about it!. Or you can find a copy of "Schindler's List" on DVD - that's prolly cheaper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Words don't do it justice!.
Schindler's List does, and so does this scene from the film Come and See

"Holocaust" should always be capitalized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Watch Schindler's List!. Read "Night!."Www@QuestionHome@Com