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Position:Home>History> What did thomas jefferon do as president?

Question: What did thomas jefferon do as president!?
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Jefferson's biggest achievement in office was the Louisiana Purchase, doubling the size of the country!. He also instigated the Lewis and Clarke expedition to survey this new territory!. He never once used his veto (I think he's the only President to achieve this), and to force Britain and France to respect American neutrality in the Napoleonic Wars he instituted a trade embargo against them, but had to drop it when his actions essentially destroyed the American farming industry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

other than Louisiana Purchase, Jefferson appointed the following Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States:
William Johnson – 1804
Henry Brockholst Livingston – 1807
Thomas Todd – 1807

As President, he discontinued the practice of delivering the State of the Union Address in person, instead sending the address to Congress in writing (the practice was eventually revived by Woodrow Wilson); he gave only two public speeches during his Presidency!. Jefferson had a lisp and preferred writing to public speaking partly because of this!. He burned all of his letters between himself and his wife at her death, creating the portrait of a man who at times could be very private!. Indeed, he preferred working in the privacy of his office than the public eye!.

In 1801, he published A Manual of Parliamentary Practice that is still in use!. In 1812 Jefferson published a second edition!.

After the British burned Washington, D!.C!. and the Library of Congress in August 1814, Jefferson offered his own collection to the nation!. In January 1815, Congress accepted his offer, appropriating $23,950 for his 6,487 books, and the foundation was laid for a great national library!. Today, the Library of Congress' website for federal legislative information is named THOMAS, in honor of Jefferson!.[30] His two-volume 1764 edition of the Qur'an was used by Rep!. Keith Ellison in 2007 for his swearing in to the House of Representatives!.


The Louisiana Purchase doubled the area of the United States and gave the U!.S!. control of New Orleans, a major port!. It also prevented the threat of a French or Spanish empire in America!.

At his urging, Congress repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801, abolishing numerous courts!.

Throughout his two terms, Jefferson did not once use his power of veto!.

Outlawing of the external slave trade

Jefferson appointed the following Justices to the Supreme Court of the United States:
William Johnson – 1804
Henry Brockholst Livingston – 1807
Thomas Todd – 1807

Ohio admitted to the Union – March 1, 1803

Well, he is probably most famous for the Louisiana Purchase in 1803!. It roughly doubled the size of the USA!. In his 2nd term, in 1807, he created the Embargo Act which basically forbid trade with other nations!. It was an attempt to avoid war with Great Britain and France, who were attack American merchant ships!. The act crushed the economy and war came anyway, with Great Britain, in 1812!.Www@QuestionHome@Com