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Position:Home>History> What were the disadvantages that humans experienced as a result of the neolithic

Question: What were the disadvantages that humans experienced as a result of the neolithic agricultural revolution!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. They actually had to work for food instead of just finding it and eating it!.

2!. Once farming started, we also started seeing war structures being built--forts, barricades, etc!. The Neolithic Revolution may well have been the beginning of warfare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reduces land available for living on by handing it to farmers!.

It reduces land available for living on by earmarking it as "common land" for the grazing of animals!.

It reduces space for wild animals and plants which were used for food!.

It causes a population to change from a nomadic lifestyle to living in a fixed location!.

It causes a loss of skill and knowledge of food gathering and hunting, and people can't readily revert to this lifestyle in the result of crop failure!.

Most famers of crops would have been "smallholders" - many famers each farming a tiny plot!. Each family would have had their own animals grazed communally on common land!. Without enclosure of land farming would be fragmented, disorganised, and yields could therefore have been poorer!. It took until the 18th century to properly enclose England and get it farmed on a commercial basis with optimal output!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agriculture is much harder work than hunter-gathering, and people would have to work much longer hours farming!. People in hunter-gatherer societies tend to have far more leisure time!. In
'the Making of civilisation' it says:

'Even in harsh environments like the Kalahari desert or the Australian outback the hunting life is not difficut, people rarely spend more than three or four hours a day looking for food and have plenty of spare time, which they spend mostly in sleeping, talking and playing games!.'

The development of agricultural societies also leads to societies becoming more hierarchical, with a ruling class developing, wheras hunter-gatherer societies tend to be more egalitarian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That it took longer to get food!. Because they have to wait for food to grow!. But it was better in the long run because they actually had food!. There was a more likely chance of getting food from farming than hunting and gathering!.

Humans needed to build and villages with defenses in order to prevent attack from other human groups!.Www@QuestionHome@Com