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Question: Ancient Greek question
what was seafaring like during the ancient greek period!?

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The ancient greeks were based around the Aegean sea and sea trade and military sailing was an important thing for survival!. With greece being a very mountainous area foreign trade was very important!. also in the Aegean there are many separated islands who needed goods for far away on the mainland!. also if war was to commence ships were needed to defend and raid enemy territory!.
Most of the ships during the time of the ancient greeks, were boats called Triremes!. They were long ships with three rows of oars on either side, and a hard metal ram at the front of the ship!. The idea of a battle would not be to board the enemies ship, but to ram the side of their ship, making them immobile!. Or sailing parallel to the ship and ramming off their oars!. This made ancient sea battles very risky and dangerous!.
also, during very early ancient greek times, transport of troops was a hard thing!. When greek boats full of soldiers met at the rendezvous point before the siege of Troy(Troy being in modern day western Turkey), it was said that the ships got lost or wrecked and had to rendezvous 2 other times before all the ships made it to troy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Greeks were great seafarers, though not the first!. Before them, the Phoenecians saild not only all around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, but as far as England to get tin from Cornwall!. They may have even sailed as far as Iceland, but that is not clear!.

There is some evidence they actually REACHED the East Coast of AmeriKa!. Rocks with writing in an ancient form of Greek have actually been FOUND in New Mexico!. For the most part, they were coastal sailors, however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bad every one thoutght that sea monster hydra or the krakon or syrons would destroy kill what every it was horabul they thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com

They mostly sailed around the Mediterranean!.