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Position:Home>History> Around what time period was sword fighting popular in Spain?

Question: Around what time period was sword fighting popular in Spain!?
I'm writing a story about someone from Spain!. He is going to get into a sword fight with the villain, but i need to know about what time the character should be born so they are within the right time period that people would learn sword fighting!. If you have any additional information about Spanish sword fighting, that would be great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By the sound of it you're probably going to have the hero and villain fight some sort of duel - or something along those lines ( I'm thinking Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone in "The Adventures of Robin Hood")!.

If that's the case then your ideal time setting would be, for a "traditional" Spanish combat, from the late 16th century to the late 17th, very early 18th centuries!. Young men, usually from the aristocratic classes, would learn from a young age how to handle a sword!.

This is where the classic Rapier would be the main weapon!. It is a relatively slender, sharply pointed sword, used mainly for thrusting attacks!. The Spanish specialised in this sort of weapon as it allowed for fast reactions, and with a long reach, the rapier was well suited to civilian combat!.
Other countries had their own designs, such as the slightly heavier German version with elaborate hilts, or the English who would combine it with the use of a dagger in the other hand which provided extra defence and another means of attack (possibly the sort of style your villain might use)!.

If you're setting your story after 1715 the Rapier gets replaced by the Shortsword - think of the dress swords of the Napoleonic / Jane Austen period!.

The art of this form of sword fighting is all in the footwork, forearm and shoulder!.

Hope that helps a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Swords were still the weapon of choice for single, armed men right up until the mid 1800s!. This was especially true in cultures where "Code Duello" was still practiced!. That is, where duelling and other types of armed fights were common and certain "rules" applied when conflicts arose between gentlemen!.

also, up until the 1800s, firearms were relatively expensive to own and maintain, so, even the "bad guys" had to resort to blade weapons to practice their trade!. Close in, of course, a large knife would have been the weapon of choice, but, with a sword, an adversary could be kept at arms length or further!.

Still, one has to consider the culture in which one lives to see that there were many differences in where and when sword fighting was popular!. In some cultures, only nobility was allowed to walk around armed with a sword!. In others, every man was expected to be ready to defend himself!. In 16th century Italy, all men of substance would carry a sword at their side, while, in Urban London, only soldiers and bodyguards would be seen armed in that way!.

If you know the story of Zorro, you'd know that it took place in early 18th century Mexico, when it was ruled by Spain!. In that story, Zorro's weapons were a sword and whip!. Only the Spanish soldiers had guns, and, even then, they were single shot muskets!. Even the soldiers had to have a sword ready and with the training to use it!. It is not that sword fighting was EVER popular, but, that it was the only way to fight for those that had to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com