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Position:Home>History> Conflicts in the Crusades???---homework help!!!?

Question: Conflicts in the Crusades!?!?!?---homework help!!!!?
I need to provide 2 examples of each kind of conflict that has to do with the Crusades:

Conflicts required:

1!. Uneven distribution of resources* (need this one the most)
2!. Political conflict
3!. Religious conflict

---Info should include underlying causes, direct causes, motivations, course of the conflict, resolution, effects, other factors, etc!. ----Please help & explain!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is a few areas of research that may help,hope so!!
One of the main causes was to do with taking back the holylands for chrisingdom( english crusades,Richard the lion heart,saladin also isabel and ferdinand of spain,spanish inquistion during their reign was to exspel the muslims from what they saw as spanish soil they were allowed to take nothing or had to sell their belongs for next to nothing!.!.The popes that were in office during the different time periods may yeild some info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com