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Position:Home>History> Significant events that occured....?

Question: Significant events that occured!.!.!.!.!?
what are some significant events that took place from the time period 1915-1996

ex: WW1, WW2 etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1917- Communist revolution in Russia
1929- Stock Market crash
c!. 1947-1952- McCarthy hearings
1963- JFK Shot
1968- RFK Shot, MLK Shot, riots at Dem!. Convention in Chicago
1969- Apollo 11 moon landing
c!. 1972-1974- Watergate
1981- Reagan and Pope JP2 shot
1986- Challenger disaster
1989- Berlin Wall fellWww@QuestionHome@Com