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Question: Stalin and the ussr!?
I have to write a 4000 word essay, what could i write about stalins five year plan and collectivization!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd start with an overview of the previous policy - New Economic Policy (NEP)
Then follow it with a short piece about how the policy of FYPs came about - including the idea of 'Socialism in one Country'!.
Followed by an analysis of what the FYPs were, economic targets, how they favoured Heavy Industry, and about their success or otherwise!.
For collectivisation, I'd start with a look at the terrible state of agriculture in the USSR (it was at 1913 levels of production in 1926)!. And then an analysis of what collectivisation was; the social aspects - removing the kulaks, the political aspect, terrorising the countryside, and the economic aspect - slight success, but at the expense of innovation, and investment in the land!.
I'd also look at MTS (Machine Tractor Stations) and how they were ineffective in modernising agriculture, and acted as a brake on improvement!.

In summary - split the essay into 2 parts, FYPs & Collectivisation
Then 500 words on NEP, 250 on the genesis of the FYPs and Socialism in 1 country!. 1000 on what the FYPs were and how successful they were!.
250 words on state of agriculture
500 on genesis of idea of collectivisation
1000 on economic, political & social aspects of collectivisation & MTSs
Rest of word count - intro & conclusionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin was a "brutal and aggressive" leader, also "brilliant and extremely politically savvy" and always "maintained control"!. The 5-year plans were conceived for many reasons, I could just tell you, but the hints above should guide your research!. 4,000 words should be a snap on this subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why he adopted it, did it work out& how productive were they, how did it affect industrialization, what were the consequences of these plans for the Russian peasants!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com