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Question: What is Prussia!?
It was mentioned in a book, and I don't know what it is! Is it a country!? Or like a combination of Russia and!. !. !. something else!?

Please explain to me what Prussia is!. I have never heard of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Up until 1871 there was no united German state or nation!. The territory of Germany as we know it today was instead broken up into small little kingdoms under independent noblemen - kings, dukes and such!. The largest of these was the kingdom of Prussia (not to be confused with Russia) which is in the North of Germany!. Germany was united into a modern state under the leadership of the Prussian King, Kaizer Wilhelm I, through the efforts of the first German Chancellor, Otto Von Bismark!. They united in order to form a common economic system, and a more robust defense against the growing power of France!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The word Prussia (German: Preu?en, Polish: Prusy, Lithuanian: Prusai) has a lot of different meanings in the past and now:

The land of the Baltic Prussians (today parts of southern Lithuania, Kaliningrad and north-eastern Poland);
The lands of the Teutonic Knights (a group of religious soldiers in the 12th century);
Part of the lands of the Polish Crown, Royal Prussia;
A part of Holy Roman Empire, Ducal Prussia, under the Hohenzollern family
All Hohenzollern land, in or outside Germany;
An independent state, from the 17th century until 1871;
The largest part of the German Empire, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich from 1871 to 1945!.
In 1934 the Nazis stopped using Prussia as a land unit and in 1947 the Allies abolished the state of Prussia, and divided its territory among the new L?nder!. Today the name is only for historical, geographical or cultural use!.

The name Prussia is from the Borussi/Prussi people who lived in the Baltic region!. Their ancestors came from Lithuania!. Ducal Prussia was part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation until 1660, and Royal Prussia was part of Poland from 1500 until 1772!. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, most German-speaking Prussians started thinking they were part of the German nation!. They thought the “typical Prussian” way of life was very important:

perfect organization
sacrifice (giving other people something you need)
following lawsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Prussia was a Baltic land, people like Lithuanians and Latvians!. It was later settled by Germans, and the Prussians were assimilated into a Teutonic Order, of which the capital was Koenigsberg, or Kings Mountain, directly translated into English!. This has been a Lithuanian land for quite a bit of time, and then it was German until the end of WWII!. This area has a big Lithuanian and German history, and was Lithuania Minor, many Lithuanians lived there, and helped the rest of Lithuania after it was occupied by russia in the late 1700s!. This areas was supposed to be given back to Lithuania when russia/soviet union occupied it, making it a part of Lithuania's SSR, but instead, the russians made it out in such a way that Lithuania rejected the land!. What a load of ****!. However this area is still occupied by russia unrightfully, because russia denies any history with the soviet union, yet it still is a part of russia, today's version of the soviet union!. It should be given back to Lithuania or Germany, or it should be a new EU country, with the EU government and everything located there, and of course, all the russo-speakers would be expelled!.

EDIT: also I forgot to mention that Prussia and russia have nothing in common, except russian occupation to this day and russians claiming it is their historic land, which is truly unbelievable to be this idiotic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The reason why you are getting so many answers is becuase Prussia has meant different things throughout history!. In the 10th century Prussia was an area in the baltic region inhabited by a pagan tribe!. In 1920 Prussia was a democratic state and part of the Weimar Republic of Germany!. It was the largest state of the Weimar Republic and included around five eights of the total population!. In between that time Prussia has changed borders and rulers so it would be impossible to give you an exact definition of Prussia in a few sentences!. Of course Prussia is a former German state but it has also been a state under the Polish crown (Royal Prussia) and a monastic state under the Teutonic Knights (Ducal Prussia)!. I can reccommend two great books:

Rise and fall of Prussia by Chris Clark & The Other Prussia (about Royal/Polish Prussia) by Karin Freidrich!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Let me explain it to you plain and simple, trust me what I tell is correct!. Nevermind those long answers that one would not bother to read!.

Germany was not united as one single Germany but was formed of combinations of independent states!. It is just like the United States of America BEFORE being 'United'!. So there wasn't a country called Germany but instead, there were little German states with German population!. The strongest of these German states was called Prussia!. They were so strong that they beat the Austrians and the French, who were opposed the German unification, meaning all the small, independent German states coming together and forming a single country called Germany, and in the end the German state Prussia unified Germany (1871)

So no, it has nothing to do with the Russians, it was a little German state!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prussia is an old land that no longer exists!. It covered an area that now includes parts of east Germany and Poland!.
The Prussians were a baltic people (like the Latvians) who were conquered by the Germans in the middle ages (they were also pagans and the Germans felt they had to conquer them to bring them into christianity)!. Over the centuries they became "germanized", meaning that they adopted german customs, culture and started speaking German!.
Eventually they were considered German, also helped by the large numbers of original Germans that moved there to live!.
Prussia became an important German kingdom and in 1871, the most famous Prussian called Otto von Bismark, united most of the German states to form modern Germany!.
Germany up to this point had been made up of hundreds of states from large ones like Prussia to tiny ones that consisted of a single city or valley!.
Much of Prussia was taken from Germany after WW2 and given to Poland though, so the irony is that the country which brought Germany together is no longer part of Germany but such is history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before the unification of Germany in the late 1800's, there were many German-speaking kingdoms!. The major kingdom was Prussia!. Prussia was home to Otto Van Bismarck, a German nationalist who wanted to unite all the little kingdoms into one large country called Germany!. Bismarck and Prussia defeated Austria-Hungary in the Austro-Prussian War and France in the Franco-Prussian War!. These victories helped Bismarck unite the German kingdoms into Germany, with Prussia as the center of government, under Kaiser Wilhelm I and later Wilhelm II!. Bismarck served as an advisor to Wilhelm I, but really ran all the Prussian operations!. The only connection Prussia had to Russia is that it neighbored it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prussia was a nation that existed until around 1870 and then amalgamated other Germanic principalities to form Germany!. Its capital was Koenigsberg (King's city) in what was called Ostprussen or East Prussia!. Koenigsberg was taken by Russia after WWII and renamed Kaliningrad!. If you look at a map you see a sliver of land to the northeast of Poland that is controlled by Russia!. Kaiser Wilhelm was King of Prussia when it formed Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Shirley T doesn't have a frigin clue what's going on, but don't let that confuse you

Read Numbat and electronherdsman and cernunnicnosfor the best answers!.

Way way back there were Baltic peoples there with similar pagan rituals like what archaeologists found in Denmark too, and later in history the teutonic knights ("Rittersorden") and the Hanseatic League and with smart thinking, serious work ethic, and self-discipline made it made it a successful little Kingdom, successful in terms of trade and commerce and in terms of military efficiency!. Back in history, it was a relatively small "country" if you want to call it that, but was successful at fending off the European superpower of those times in 1600's - 1700's Austria defeating Austria at their attempt of taking over Silesia, so Prussia took over Silesia instead, and Austria went home embarrassed!. PRUSSIA's military logistics and self-discipline that allowed the little country to defeat a much bigger more powerful Austria, and so Prussia was an example for England to learn from, in order to defeat the French in the world-wide 7 Years War, which is mainly the reason why England went on to develop the British Empire, made North America English speaking and English rule (until USA broke away, but its still based on English origins and still English-speaking instead of French)!. Prussia's military logisitics and self-discipline and efficiency also allowed that relatively small country to grow and defeat France in the Franco-Prussian war!. After that, it merged with Bavaria (formerly a separate, independent Kingdom too) to form the new country, "Germany", to strengthen borders and protect people from further invasions by the sprawling France!. (France had tried to invade and take over Belgium, Luxemburg, Holland too in the past, and Holland beat them down and officially began the country Holland, etc!.!.!. but thats another story) Prussia did NOT learn or adore France or their military;l why should they, when Prussia was already much better at it, even 100 - 200 years BEFORE Napoleon even!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Arose out of the Holy Roman Empire when it was conquered by the Teutonic Nights during the Northern Crusades in the 13th Century!. However, there was an "Old Prussia" before then!.

The state known as Germany was unified as a modern nation-state in 1871, when the German Empire was forged, with the Kingdom of Prussia as its largest constituent!.

Prussia lost a lot of land at the end of the first world war when Poland was created!. Hitler took most of it back in WW2 but in Law #46 of 25 February 1947 the Allied Control Council formally proclaimed the dissolution of Prussia!.

There has been moves to re-constitute Prussia but it is more likely that the state would be called Brandenburg or Berlin-Brandenburg!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The area known as Prussia was inhabited in early times by West Slavic tribes, ancestors of the modern Poles, in the West, and Baltic tribes, closely related to Lithuanians, in the East!. Sometime after the seventh century, the area was invaded and settled by pagan German tribes, later known as Prussians!.

In 1226, Prussia was conquered by the Teutonic Knights, a military religious order, who converted the Prussians to Christianity!. The Teutonic Knights were overthrown by the Prussians with help from Poland and Lithuania in 1454!. Prussia was divided into Royal Prussia in the west and Ducal Prussia in the east!. Royal Prussia was incorporated into Poland providing it with a corridor to the Baltic Sea (the "Danzig Corridor")!. Ducal Prussia became a Polish territory!. At this time, the port city of Danzig (modern day Gdansk) was designated a "free city"!.

In 1657, after an invasion by the Swedes, Poland surrendered sovereignty over Ducal Prussia which then became the Kingdom of Prussia headed by the Hohenzollern line!. Prussia's power grew and in 1772, under King Friedrich II (Frederick the Great), consisted of the provinces of Brandenburg, Pomerania, Danzig, West Prussia and East Prussia!.

A major event in German history was the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, making Germany a world power!. It was during this war that, in 1870, Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck orchestrated the unification of the German states!.

The German Empire was established under Prussian leadership with Bismarck as Chancellor!. Wilhelm II, the last of the Hohenzollern dynasty, became Emperor of Germany (Kaiser) in 1888 and ruled until Germany's defeat in World War I!.

After defeat in World War I, Germany was forced to give up the Danzig Corridor to Poland and Danzig once again became a free city!. This caused the province of East Prussia to be separated from the rest of Germany!. The Rosenberg District was at this time contained in East Prussia!.

After Germany's defeat in World War II, West Prussia and East Prussia were divided by Poland and the Soviet Union!. The old Rosenberg District in now part of the Itawa District of Poland!. All of the villages now have Polish names!.

Kehe :l Hope this helped!
-Tim :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a country in its own right beginning about 1700!. In 1871 the many German states were unified and Prussia constituted the largest area under the new country of Germany!.
The militarism of Prussia was the chief impetus for the militantism associated with Germany as a whole as it fought the French in the Franco-Prussian War (of abt 1870), then World War I, and even World War II!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Before 1871 what is now Germany, was a group of German speaking kingdoms and fiefs!. Prussia was the largest of these kingdoms!. Under William the First and Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck Germany was unified under Prussian rule!. See the map below for original boarders of Prussia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol its a combination of Persia and Russia!.!.!.!.NOT!
back in napolaon's time it used to be a place around northeast Poland!. in 1870's the Prussians beat the Danes, the Austrians and eventually beat the French!. and unifiyed themselves with other dispursed German speaking states, craeting Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Modern day- just south of lithuainia is a a small country owned by russia that is moderen day prussia!. It is deteched from all of russia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prussia was the area which now includes the modern northern area of Germany and part of Poland!. The southern area of modern Germany was Bavaria!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany, Poland, and some Russia!.
The question should be, What WAS Prussia!? It doesn't exist anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An area of Germany that no longer exist!. Think of it as a state, like Texas!. Russia has nothing to do with Prussia!. They are Germans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

atr one time it was a separate country then part of germany

It contained the area of present day Germany and Poland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russia with a p in fron of the r!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wikipedia is your friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany was divided among many small kingdoms and states!. Napoleon united it for the first time and it fell apart after he ws defeated!. They didn't like Napoleon but they learned a lot about the importance of unity from him and the Prussian Hohenzollerns admired his machine like militarism!.

Prussia became the dominant state and Germany was united again in 1871 under the Hohenzollerns!.

Poland had ceased to exist at the end of the 18th century and was divided between Prussia, Russia and Austria!. So, in family history, if a person has ancestors that came from Poland during that time period, they usually identify those ancestors as Prussian or German Poles, Russian Poles or Austria or Galician Poles!. I had Polish gggrandparents and ggrandfather!. However on census records, their place of birth is listed as Prussia!.

Poland was brought back into existence by the Treaty of Versailles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany, Poland, Russian, Lithuania, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic!. The last capital was Berlin, Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Preussen" as the Germans call it is the area around Berlin!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's the capital of the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the second Reich!.


the first reich was the empire of Charlemagne, the second Reich was Prussia which was basically (except for France) the same territory as Charlemagne's empire, their need to conquer france stemming from wanting to recreate Charlemagne's domain, and as you know Hitler and the Nazis created the short lived third reich!.

"Reich" means "empire!."

Thus, Prussia is the second Reich, and the lands were composed largely of the lands owned by the third Reich!. Hitler's germany, plus half of Poland, all used to be "Prussia!." While the Prussians were not a global super power, who did not own any major colonies or interests outside Europe, militarily they were nevertheless, a local super power in Europe who had militarized because of Napoleon's depredations!.

Most of modern Germany, and half of Poland, in the 18th century it was called "Prussia!." And it was not a country, it was a kingdom, ruled by the Kaiser!. The last of the Kaisers stepped down when Hitler was elected high chancellor of Germany, a position which is basically the same as that of "prime minister" in England!. Hitler however was not content with merely being "hich chancellor" and thus him and his cronies, using their newfound position, literally grabbed Germany!. The Kaiser I believe was banished or placed under house arrest, never allowed to leave the confines of his estate, where eventually I think he died of old age!.

Germany's history, begins with the kingdom of Charlemagne, the first Reich (empire), then the kingdom splinters becoming only culturally unified, but with the Franks wanting to separate themselves from the lands the Romans called "Alemania" (Germany), formed their own kingdom, which splintered into the Frankish and Burgundians but it was eventually unified thanks to the efforts of Joan of Ark, who did not unify the country, but she nevertheless inspired the king of France to do it!.

The German kingdoms to the east were called "Saxony" and I think around the 1700's they began calling it "Prussia," initially a peaceful kingdom until the rise of Napoleon, who ripped it to pieces!. Wanting revenge they militarized, hence the birth of the second Reich, and the rise of the Kaiser as a military figure!.

So, once again, to avoid ANY confusion; Prussia was a kingdom in the 18th and 19th centuries, which lasted until the rise of Adolf Hitler as supreme chancellor of Germany, or rather the official title of "high chancellor!." Speaking of the term "chancellor," I believe George Lucas, delibirately used that title to refer to one of the villains in his prequel trilogy!. The term "chancellor palpatine" was a reference to "chancellor hitler!."

Prussia it could be said was the kingdom created to take revenge against Napoleon's family (namely his sons) for what Napoleon did to what is now Germany!. By the time of the reign of Napoleon III, Prussia had become a major military force in Europe, carving out the cultural borders of what would ultimately form modern day Germany, or at least, 70% of it, the other 30%, was the half of Poland which Hitler's panzers took!.

You need to understand something about Europe; at one point in their history, the following countries were "super powers" in order from first, to most recent

1) Of course, Greece, first Athens, then Sparta, then Thebes, and then finally the various Leagues which all ultimately failed!.

2) The Roman empire (modern day Italy) which many historians have argued, was the most formidable super power in European history, as their army and navy, how to put this into perspective!? If the Roman empire were still around NOW, every single soldier, from their infantry, to their pilots, would be as well trained as a U!.S!. Navy SEAL!. I'm not kidding; even by ancient standards, their army was almost ridiculously tough!. If they were around now, each and every person serving in the military, would be trained to the level of a U!.S!. Navy SEAL!. Some "SEALs" tougher than others of course!. Power wise, discipline wise, their army held a standard that would remain much higher if they were still around so, easily, arguably, the Roman empire was the most powerful super power of the European peninsula!.

3) The western Roman empire collapsed, but the eastern empire, the Byzantine empire, survived for 1,000 more years, and Greece once again had a flowering of culture!. They called themselves "Romans" but in reality the great majority of soldiers, politicians and emperors of the Byzantine empire were Greek!. What is now Turkey, the Balkans, and of course Greece, all used to be "Greece" under the Byzantine empire!. Thus, the Greeks, for a second time, were a super power in Europe, likely the only Europeans to be a super power TWICE!.

4) After the fall of Byzantium by attacks from the Turks, the next major power in Europe was the Kingdom of Charlemagne, which turned what is now Germany and part of Poland, and Austria and Switzerland, into a defacto super fortress against the Muslims!. Charlemagne's empire was, for all intents and purposes, a fortress!.

5) Because his sons were not as effective as he was, his kingdom splintered, and some collapsed, but, by this time, while not a super power OFFICIALLY, the people's of Scandinavia gained infamy as the Vikings, who thanks to their fast dragon ships, the fact that they trained in warfare from the age of 5, whereas most Europeans did not, meant that Europe was easy pickings for them!. The truth is most people of Scandinavian origin are only medium sized; that whole "gargantuan swede" thing is a stereotype, that was only given to them because, whereas most of Europe was a feudal serf society where people were malnourished and only grew to be 5'2 or so for the men, and as short as 4'10 for the women, in Scandinavia, there was a more or less equal agragrian society where everyone had a good share of food!. Meaning, the peoples of scandinavia were better fed, and thus were able to reach their full height, most of which stood at around 5'8 to 6'1!. Naturally to the shorter-because-they-where-malnourished serf Europeans, these people would have appeared as "giants!." The only reason, people of scandinavian ancestry in America are muscular, is because it took strong people to tame the harsh american wilderness, but even in their home countries, such "nordic musclemen giants" are actually rare!. The vikings were what they were, largely because they practiced the art of warfare from a young age, and they had good nourishment in fact, it has been discovered that whale meat has an enzyme that encourages muscle growth, meaning, that after their vicious weapons drills and wrestling, their muscles got an adequate supply of protein in addition to certain fatty acids which protected that muscle tissue!. Whereas the serfs of Europe, got by on bread, water, and liquor!. So naturally of course the vikings were going to rip them to pieces!. For all intents and purposes though, as a cultural group at least, the Vikings were, after the fall of Charlemagne's empire, a "super power!."

6) After the era of the vikings was over, the Spanish "reconquista" began, and their military campaigns against the Muslims in Spain, or rather "Andalucia," turned what would become Spain into a super power, and because of the voyages of Columbus, and later on the voyage of Cortez, it would become the first colonial power, and it remained so until Napoleon (not the defeat of the Spanish armada) destroyed it!. It was Napoleon, not Elizabeth, who destroyed the Spanish empire, although, the defeat of the armada was a major contributor to its decline, despite this, Spain remained a formidable foe until the rise of Napoleon!. There is a reason people in Latin America speak Spanish and not English you know!. The Brits had many victories in the open water, but Spanish fortresses were for all intents and purposes, unconcquerable as far as they were concerned, taking them on was suicide!. If you have ever been to one in Latin America you'll see what I'm talking about!.

7) Then came Napoleon, who ripped to pieces most of continental Europe until he was beaten first by the Russian winter, and after the Russian winter, Wellington, a truth be told incompetent brit who only beat Napoleon because the Italian born Frenchman had a characteristic guido arrogance/overconfidence/dumbassery which ultimately cost him Waterloo!. With Italians, for every display of genius, there are 10 displays of stupidity, always remember that!. Such was the case with Napoleon!. Napoleon's display of genius, for instance, was conquering Europe!. It was then followed by a display of stupidity, when he attacked Russia!. That is, if Italians were not so arrogant and stupid, they would have conquered the world by now!. Sadly though, again, with Italians, for every display of genius, you can COUNT ON 10 displays of the rawest dumbassery you have ever seen!. The few Italians who quit when they are ahead, become "historic figures," like Rocky Marciano and Charles Atlas, or even emperor Octavian but that's beside the point!.

8) After Napoleon, or rather DURING Napoleon, Britain became a global super power!. Now, they had had military successes since the defeat of the armada, BUT, Britain did not become a force to be reckoned with until the 1700's, and it was at its peak during the reign of Queen victoria!. So, after Napoleon, Victoria!.

9) After Victoria, Kaisers Wilhelm I and II I believe and after them, Adolf Hitler, and after Hitler, Stalin, and from Stalin!.!.!.

10) Krushev, Breshnev and the last one when Russia was powerful, Gorbachev!. Eerie how, duringWww@QuestionHome@Com