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Position:Home>History> What was education in Israel like when it was under Rome?

Question: What was education in Israel like when it was under Rome!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jews maintained traditional systems of education in the urban centres through Yeshivot (large Torah schools) for boys, or home schooling in regional areas!. Jews were always highly literate because of the importance they placed on Torah study!. When the Romans occupied Judeae their brought their ludus system of small schools with them for middle-class Roman children, but wealthier Romans such as senior administrators sent their children back to Rome to be educated!. There is evidence of a small school on Mount Masada, and the Yeshiva at Yavneh was set up shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem!. The New Testament also makes passing references to Jesus talking to the Rabbis in the Temple, which would probably have been in the context of a Yeshiva!.Www@QuestionHome@Com