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Position:Home>History> In Historic terms, what is your favourite Era and why?

Question: In Historic terms, what is your favourite Era and why!?
In era, I mean Medieval Age, etc!. you can also mention specific era also or just say 1920-30s it's all good!.
Mention why as well!.

My favourite is the Medieval age because society was so vastly different to what it is now and I loved the war mechanisms and how the world operated during then, I also like the Roman times because they were so successful, their culture,etc!. I also like World War 2 because it is so indepth and sophisticated and still told to this day and is very interesting to learn about a real war!.!.!. it goes on and on!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My own favourite hostorical era is the 18thC!.

The main thing about the 18thC is that it remains important, no matter how far we move from it in time!.

The 18thC was the age of the enlightenment!. It was a rousing century of wonderful music and art and of revolution and change!.

When this next piece of music was first performed before King George II - he was so stunned by it that he stood up through it's entire performance!. We have thus stood to listen to the Hallelulja Chorus ever since!. Mister Freddy Handel of London!. !. !. !.

Later on in the 18thC we had a shoot-out with our American colonists - cannot imagine how they won, since the British Army actually won seven of the ten battles it fought with the Continental Army - by my reconning thats 7 to 3!. Oh well!.

You can have a wonderful romp through 18thC Merrie England in Henry Fieldings period novel, "Tom Jones"!.

An Introduction to Tom Jones - Henry Fielding's Tom Jones is both one of the great comic masterpieces of English literature and a major force in the development of the novel form!. !.!.!.

Full text and plot summary of Tom Jones by Henry Fielding Henry Fielding’s most renowned work is unquestionably Tom Jones, a Foundling, which was published in 1749!. It is a very long and complex novel but one which !.!.!.

There were a whole mob of painters/artists of the 18thC - so I will not go into them too much here but introduce you to a link just to see how you go!. !. !. !.

British Art in the 18th Century English landscape painting had its beginnings in the 18th century!. Ultimately it was to have considerable influence on the Barbizon school and on the !.!.!.

I suppose that the painter most assocated with the 18thC was William Hogarth - a Londoner - well, he was actually born in the late 17thC but we'll just mull over that and think instead of the Gin and Beer and so forth of the 18thC!.

William Hogarth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWilliam Hogarth (November 10, 1697 – October 26, 1764) was a major English painter, printmaker, pictorial satirist, social critic and editorial cartoonist !.!.!.

William Hogarth, the son of Richard Hogarth, a Latin teacher, was born in Smithfield, London, in 1697!. Hogarth's father opened a coffee-house in London but !.!.!.

William Hogarth - Olga's Gallery Comprehensive collection of the images of Hogarth's works with biography and historical comments!.

Public hangings - were they really such entertainment!?

ExecutedToday!.com ? 1783: John Austin - 3 Nov 2007 !.!.!. Here’s the story of the Tyburn hangings from London writer Peter Ackroyd: !.!.!. Entry Filed under: 18th Century, Common Criminals, England, !.!.!.

The penal colonies of North America and Australia!. !. !. !.

penal colony -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia - By the 18th century, English convicts were being deported to penal colonies in North America and Australia!. The first convoy to take the 15800-mile (25427 !.!.!.

The Madness of King George

Hi E!.R!.
I would have to say the Minoan Era!. The story of European civilization really begins on the island of Crete with a civilization that probably thought of itself as Asian!. What they thought, what stories they told, how they narrated their history, are all lost to us!. All we have left are their palaces, their incredibly developed visual culture, and their records!. Mountains of records!. For the Minoans produced a singular civilization in antiquity: one oriented around trade and bureaucracy with little or no evidence of a military state!. They built perhaps the single most efficient bureaucracy in antiquity!. They were a people of magnificent social organization, culture, art, and commerce!. They thrived instead, it seems, on their remarkable mercantile abilities!. This lack of a military culture, however, may have spelled their final downfall!. For the Minoans also exported their culture as well as goods, and a derivative culture grew up on the mainland of Greece!. This unique culture, of course, lasted only a few centuries, and European civilization shifts to Europe itself with the foundation of the military city-states on the mainland of Greece!.

my favourite era was the classical world especially Greece, it just seems like the beginning of history where the world was so much bigger and you could have an adventure!. I think the reality of it is some what different to how i imagine it :) xWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Tudors! They may have been gruesome, but they made some great contributions to the way we live now!. Queen Elizabeth was a great role model, and an amazing woman!. She made some of the biggest steps towards Gender Equality, showing woman are just as strong as men!. Plus, then there was Shakespeare!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a standard answer here - If you asked people what time they would like to live, MOST people would choose the Roman Empire, 30BC to 180AD, as when people were most happy, peaceful, and prosperous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a toughy! id love the 40s 50s or 60s just seemed like good times! well part of the 40s anyways!! other than that i think id have liked to live in the roman empire probably the cleanest place you could go in time apart from now!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ancient times up through the middles ages!. times back then were so rich in culture and society!. there is a lot to be learned from the past, and what better place to start than at the beginning!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Tudor period of European history - there was so much change and advancement and exploration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The roaring twenties!.!.!.I just love everything about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the renaissance!. A time of knowledge rebirth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Era of Good Feeling! lol all those Democrats! jk i think the 2020's are going to be the bomb- digity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com