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Position:Home>History> In 4 - 5 thousands years, what will they think about us as we were in 2008?

Question: In 4 - 5 thousands years, what will they think about us as we were in 2008!?
Love, peace and great respect to you tonight on Yahoo - Brothers and Sisters!.

Wonders - (For example) ancient Britons built Stonehenge, and the Egyptians built the pyramids!. When you look at all the wonders, what have we actually built that might last that long!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically a bad reputation I would say!. The world has gone to pott!. I reckon we should give it back to mother nature coz were not doing a very good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 4 to 5 thousand years, most of everything that is around today will be gone, except for a few things!.

Mount Rushmore, for example, is built to last!. It is thought that Mount Rushmore may become our Stonehenge or Sphinx, due to its extra sturdy construction and the fact that it is carved out of solid granite and not constructed by Reinforced concrete (which can crumble as the steel reinforcings are exposed to water and rusts)

What will also exist, interestingly enough, is Bronze!. Any Bronze scultures that we have made will last millenia, to the point where it may be that our descendents may only know about our culture from recovered pieces of Bronze art!.

Further out, we have the relics on the moon!. These will be our most enduring accomplishments, as they will probably last undisturbed until the sun dies!.

But I'm not finished!. To date, we have launched 5 satellites that are interstellar satellites: Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, and New Horizons!. These satellites are expected to outlive the Galaxy, and probably drift through space undisturbed until the end of time!. They will be permanent testaments to the existence of manWww@QuestionHome@Com

Only time can truely tell!. But I believe that their are no buildings strange or beautiful enough to last the ages like those wonders!.

But if you think about it, everyone knows about all the special buildings in everyone elses country, so an outsider wont have the chance to go back to his country after visiting another one, and tell everyone about these wonderous buildings!.

Like the pyramids!. Only Egypt new about them for a while!. But outsiders, like merchants, gazed upon them with astonishment and went home to share the beautiy of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Warlike, primitive medicine relying heavily on artificially manufactured drugs and surgery, very limited development of the vast potential of the mind, too emotionally underdeveloped to live with uncertainty, cruel misuse of government powers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never been to Stonehenge or the Pyramids must put it on my to do list!. Ive been to Sydney Opera house, its needs knocked down and replaced!. In Britain hopefully are coast lines will remain they are beautiful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The flag we placed upon the moon will long outlive the pyramids!.

And OK, it's small - but as a testament to the effort and vision it took to get it there, I think it deserves consideration!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think anyone will be alive!.
all humanity will be dead & the earth will have exploded!.
thats my optimism of today!. what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

respect,,,, crazy horse

this planet will be disentragateted into
smithereens by that time,

just my thoughts,,,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

i doubt the question will arise in whatever form the universe tkes in 4000s yrs!.!.!. but I'm sure we'll be rightly seen as a bunch of self-obsessed consumers with no respect for our planet :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Wow, they were primitive!. How'd they get along life the way they did!?"

Of course, that's assuming we don't create an apocolypse!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this is one thing we can never really know for sure, what others might think about us in four or five thousand years time, AnnWww@QuestionHome@Com

nothing!. they will measure our time by what we have destroyed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com