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Question: Medieval Europe!?
i am doing a project on medieval Europeans Fashion- i am doing a fashion magazine for it!. and i have to get some information on it does anyone have any websites they could give me!? or just pictures i need pictures of rich people form Medieval EuropeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have some problems:

first, pictures of people during the Middle Ages are rare!. If you weren't a ruler, you were almost never painted!. Most artwork from the Middle Ages was religious!.

So you're going to have to look at old religious paintings and assume that the clothing Mary was portrayed as wearing was high fashion!.

another option you have is looking at tomb effigies!. One I'm thinking of is Eleanor of Aquitaine, a French and then English queen from the highpoint of the middle ages!.

Clothing tended to be fairly simple!. Women tended to wear wimples and cover their necks!. Though Eleanor famously rode to the Crusades dressed as an Amazon!.

Try looking at pictures from www!.sca!.org!. SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) is an international group that studies the Middle Ages!. Their members attempt to dress in authentic styles during their grand meetings, and their sites has lots of pictures if you poke around a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You will be better off going to a good public library and asking a librarian for assistance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com