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Position:Home>History> Renaissance to develop in Italy?

Question: Renaissance to develop in Italy!?
Which features enabled the Renaissance to develop in Italy!?

Central European location
Network on roads
Wealth from trade
All of the above

The differences between a medieval craftsman and a renaissance artist can be summarized as:

There are no important differences between how a renaissance artist and a medieval craftsman worked!.
The only significant difference concerned the role of the Catholic Church!.
The most important significant changes dealt with materials!.
The most significant changes dealt with materials, work rules, and artistic control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know I answered this already!.

all of the above!. (presuming by central european they mean a central location from which caravans could spread out to all points east and west)

most significant changes deal with materials, work rules and artistic controlWww@QuestionHome@Com