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Position:Home>History> What does history have to do with geography?

Question: What does history have to do with geography!?
what does history have to do with geographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Geography shapes history and vice versa!. In every account of history, the lay of the land (or sea) played a major role!. Mesopotamia is possibly the most historically war-torn area of the world because of the fertility provided by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and its openness and easy access!. The Yucatan was one of the most heavily populated areas in the Americas during the pre-European era because of its huge underground water stores and land fertility!. India and China remained largely isolated from each other because of the Himalayas!. Russia's expansionism was ignited for their want of access to the Atlantic for trade purposes!. The list goes on and on!.

And history shapes geography in turn, mostly political geography, but in some cases natural geography as well!. Wars and treaties determine national boarders!. The need for power in the ever expanding Western United resulted in the building of dams, including the Hoover Dam, over the Colorado River!. The construction of so many dams has prevented the Colorado from emptying into the ocean!.

As you can see, history and geography are very much intertwined, along with political science, religion, sociology, and many other disciplines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Geography is more than just :location of historical events" or "borders" It is the study of the interrelationship of humans, their activity and the land!.
Example: The history of Atlanta, Georgia is influenced by its location and the type of landforms just to its north!. Railroads from the eastern coastal area couldn't get past the Appalachian Mountains, so they went south until they could turn west where the mountain chain ended!. Thefore the history of Atlanta shows it grew up as a Railroad center!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Geography has a lot of influence on a nation!. For example, the Greeks were divided into often warring city-states because they were divided by mountains!. The Romans had a geographical advantage because they surrounded the med sea!. The Chinese were isolated by the Himalayas, and so developed with little outside influence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd like to believe that geography and history are deeply intertwined!.!.!.!.

If you go through history, you'd notice that the most geographically forbidden places (like Northern America, Scandinavian countries, central Africa) largely remained unscathed by wars and foreign invaders!.!.

However, places that were easily accesible had well known civilisations and were also prone to being attacked (India, Constantinople, Central Europe, Egypt)!.!.!. In such places, great battles for political supremacy have taken place and you'll see that their geography has a huge say in that!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

History makes geography!. Ex!. The United States began as 13 colonies!. 13 colonies became states!. More states were added as more land was added over time (purchased or otherwise)!.!. Ex!. At the end of WWI, the winning side devided up the spoils (regions of the world "countries" into colonies- those colonies became countries)!. When it comes to borders, history makes geographyWww@QuestionHome@Com

If your teacher asked u this I believe she is refering to Jared Diamond's Guns, germs and steel!.

In this book (published in 1997), which later becomes a documentary (which my teacher made us watch), Jared Diamond tries to figure out why diffrent countries expand faster!.

He believes places like Europe and the Americas are more advanced because of geography, we have better lands and stuff then if we are compared to africa which are less at an advantage in terms of geography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

geography is effected by things that have happened in history, and vice versa!.!.!.!.like wars and stuff change territorial boundaries, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

history is past events!. geography is the location of the past eventsWww@QuestionHome@Com

an historical event has to take place somewhere!.!.!.duhWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not much!. Geography is the study of the earth and History is the study of past events!.If both are combined it can be the study of how the earth changed during the years and how it used to be before!.All history happened in geography (the earth and such)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com