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Position:Home>History> Was Alexander the Great big brother to Cleopatra?

Question: Was Alexander the Great big brother to Cleopatra!?
is it true i read it on here!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cleopatra was a fairly common female Macedonian name, at least among the royal families!. Not only was Cleopatra the name of Alexandra's sister, but also one of his step-mothers!.

After Alexander died, his general Ptolemy set up a Macedonian kingdom in Egypt!. A system gradually came into place in the kingdom where each king would name his eldest son Ptolemy and his eldest daughter Cleopatra, and the two would marry, creating a whole new generation of Ptolemys and Cleopatras (The royal family became very imbred)!.

The famous Cleopatra, therefore, is Cleopatra VII of Egypt!. Since none of the other Cleopatras are anywhere near as famous and important, we usually just refer to Cleopatra VII as Cleopatra, just like how Alexander the Great was really Alexander III, but he is usually just called AlexanderWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just like how today you could walk down the street in your town and easily find five women named Jane in under an hour, in ancient times names were often shared by different people!. Alexander The Great did have a sister named Cleopatra, but that is not the same woman as begot children by Caesar and Mark Antony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a different Cleopatra!. The sister of Alexander was Macedonian, living 356 - 308 BC
Cleopatra of Egypt lived 69 - 30BCWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cleopatra was a descendant of Ptolemy, one of Alexander's generals!. She was born about 200 years after Alexander and Ptolemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no alexander was several hundred years before as she was with marcus antonius and look at there birth-death dates and marcus died at the battle of actium and she followed suit soo bibi cleo but alexander was before herWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Alexander had a sister named Cleopatra, but she wasn't the one that became queen of egypt and seduced Mark Antony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not the one that seduced Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony!. She happened 300 years later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com