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Position:Home>History> Am. Hist. A few questions :)?

Question: Am!. Hist!. A few questions :)!?
If you would be so kind as to lead me to some answers, please!?

1} > Why was the timing of the U!.S!. entry into WWI so good economically!?

2} >How did the Spanish-American War affect the U!.S!. image in Latin America!?

3} > Why was the U!.S!. anxious to gain land!?

4} > Why was a populist president like Teddy Roosevelt elected!?


5} > Why was an income tax considered a positive reform!?

Anyway!.!. thanks for your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like that you asked us to lead you to answers!. At least you don't want us to do your work for you!.

1!. I would look up the economy during this time period, and Wilson's economic policies!.

2!. I would look into the problems we faced when we attempted to take over Cuba, and the resistance we met!.

3!.) Look up for the reasons that motivated the yellow journalists!.

4!. and 5!.) Read up on populism and what motivated it!. What was our tax system like before that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com