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Position:Home>History> Wasn't there a man who had won a Nobel Prize, but the reason he won the priz

Question: Wasn't there a man who had won a Nobel Prize, but the reason he won the prize was later proven to be false!?
Who was he and what was it for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Professor T W Richards was awarded the Noble prize for physics in 1914 for a very accurate determination of atomic weights and his results have never been contested!."
Unfortunately it is now known that such measurements are of
"as little interest and significance as the determination of the average weight of a collection of bottles,some of them full and some of them more or less empty!. "

Not false, but a dead end!.

Most famously, J!. J!. Thomson won the Nobel Prize for showing that electrons are particles!.
His son, G!. P!. Thomson, won the Nobel Prize for showing that electrons are waves!.

But in that case neither was exactly right or wrong!.


Maybe António Moniz, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1949 for the lobotomy to treat certain pyschoses!. Unfortunately, an American doctor, Walter Freeman, went around and performed them with a icepick and created tragedies instead hope!. Maybe lobotomies may have worked for some people, but you won't find anyone willing to perform them to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may be thinking of Rigoberta Menchu Tum, the 1992 laureate, whose purported life history turned out to have many fabrications!. She was not, in fact, a dirt-poor Indian woman from a remote Guatemalan village, and her brother was not burned to death by soldiers!. She did in fact go to school, which she denied!. And so on!. But she did do work to better the lives of Guatemalan Indians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know Boris Pasternak had to turn it down because he felt pressure from Russia!. His son excepted it many years after his death!. He wrote Dr!. Zhivago for one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not from what I've researched!. You're probably thinking of the Korean scientist that said he had cloned a human, then was proven to be lying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com