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Question: Peace between nations!?
People try to bring peach to among nations by treaties, trade, agreements, cultural exchanges!.!.!.
What do you guys think is the most significant mean of bringing peace to nations!? (Ones from WWI or WWII or something!.!.)

Give me some examples (please just don't give me example and answer, be more specifict and informative!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the problem is not hunger, thirst or any such thing!. The cultural exchanges are good, but they (and other such arrangements) are no guarantee for peace

example- 1930's europe- nazi germany and stalinist russia are friends- they co-operate economically, culturally, militarily (to the point of the german army developing tanks in russia) - they co-operate militarily in action as well- when hitler attacks Poland, Stalin strikes the Poles in the back!. THey divide east europe between themselves- friends forever!. or so it seems!.

comes 1941 and hitler invades the soviets

face it- the longest period of peace in Europe has not been brought about by treaties or cultural exchanges!. It has happened because milions of men died liberating Europe from Hitler and more milions risked teir lives to protect it from Stalin and his successors
In a way you can say that a treaty brought peace to Europe - it was the NATO treaty, guaranteeing mutual assistance in case of soviet attack!. That - and ONLY THAT - gave Europe peace (and freedom)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You cannot reason with a person that is hungry/thirsty and has no place to live!. Work on fixing that!. A full belly and a roof can go a long way!. Religious conflict will be the tough one and there may not be an answer for a while on that one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trade brings countries closer together!.

Treaties can be broken, or bent!. Remember that Hitler played Europe like a fiddle and was able to annex large sections of Europe without incident, through compromise!. also remember that Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany were allies with a binding non-aggression pact between them, until Germany deliberately invaded Russia without warning and in direct violation of their treaty!.

Cultural exchanges is a win/lose situation!. Blacks in America experienced a large backlash from racist whites in the reconstruction-era south when they began expressing themselves freely!. Furthermore, the migration of muslims into Europe has stroked largely resentful feelings and has contributed to the Europeaner's more negative opinion of Muslims!.

Trade is unique among the dealings of men because there are no preconditions that men need to set in order to accomplish it!. You don't necessarily need to like the person you are trading with, but money talks and B/S walks!. Consider the differences between America's relationship with the Soviet Union, where neither power traded extensively and both powers were perpetually on the brink of war, and America's relationship with China, where trade is massive and extensive and war is a distant possibility, as war would mean guaranteed economic ruin for both countries!.

Or consider Europe, how during the Pre-industrial period it was locked in continuous and perpetual war with itself, with various countries jockeying for position!. Up until the industrial revolution, Europe had been a merchantilist society, where it was thought that imports should exceed exports and that a country's wealth was a measure of how many natural resources it had!. When Mercantilism was shed for Capitalism, the nations began trading with each other extensively, War became so distant as to almost become negligible!. Of course there was WWI, but that was a result of a system of alliances that was a relic of Europe's imperial past!. Perhaps nobody on either side truly thought there was any reason to be fighting, as exemplified in literature like "All Quiet on the Western Front"!. WWII was an attempted ressurection of Europe's imperial past, one that was successfully put down!.

Since then!. Europe has been more closely united than any time in history, eclipsing even the unity brought on by the Roman Empire!. The boarders are also at their most open, trade and information flows freely!.

It seems that trade is useful because you don't have to like a person to do business with them, but it seems that people generally grow closer to things which make them money, which works to assauge any long standing hard feelings!. Trying to coerce people to be nice to each other usually only has the opposite effect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com