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Position:Home>History> Anyone? the 20's and 30's in Canada?

Question: Anyone!? the 20's and 30's in Canada!?
I need to know five major events in the 1920's in Canada, and three in the 1930's in Canada!. They need to be important for the development of the country!.
THX A BUNCH! =^!.!.^=

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
January 10, 1920: Canada is a founding member of the League of Nations

March 2, 1923: The Halibut Treaty signed with the United States is Canada's first international treaty not signed under the auspices of the United Kingdom

February 15 1930: Cairine Wilson becomes Canada's first female senator

July 3, 1934: The Bank of Canada is formed

September 10, 1939: World War II: Canada declares war on Germany, one week after Britain does soWww@QuestionHome@Com