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Position:Home>History> In "The Declaration of Independence," identify different audiences to

Question: In "The Declaration of Independence," identify different audiences to whom Jefferson is trying to appeal !.!.!.!.
In "The Declaration of Independence," identify different audiences to whom Jefferson is trying to appeal and how he appeals to them!. How effective are his appeals towards the audiences!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The primary audience was the American people, to explain why their leaders decided to create a new nation, with the hope of soliciting their support!. The declaration was immediately distributed throughout the colonies/states to reach as many as possible!. Its effect was not perfect as a segment of the population remained loyalist!.

The secondary audience was those European nations who were traditionally at odds with Britain who could be persuaded to support the Revolution given a strong enough argument!. The effectiveness of this is seen in American alliances with France, Spain and the Dutch Republic!.

And finally, to some extent, there was an intended audience in the people and parliament of Britain!. By putting all the blame on the king, and making eloquent arguments on democracy and freedom, it was hoped that political support for the Americans in Britain could be encouraged!. The cause did win the support of some in Parliament, especially Edmund Burke!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Declaration of Independence is basically a list of wrong doings that King George III had done during his reign over the 13 colonies!. He is really not trying to appeal to no one but King George!.Www@QuestionHome@Com