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Position:Home>History> Did John Adams & Thomas Jefferson ever meet again IN PERSON during their reconci

Question: Did John Adams & Thomas Jefferson ever meet again IN PERSON during their reconciliation correspondance period!?
John Adams & Thomas Jefferson "reconciled" their lost friendship quite late in their lifetimes after both men had more-or-less retired from public life!. Historians seem to believe that Adam's initiated the initial "olive branch" letter at the advice of Dr!. Benjamin Rush, a long-time friend of both John & Abigail!. Although neither Adams or Jefferson "clearly" apologize or take the blame for their falling out many years earlier -- when Jefferson refused to support then-President Adams in a foreign policy matter involving France -- it seems implicit in their letters that they BOTH felt some regret & responsibility for how things turned out!. This is thought to be one of America's most famous correspondance periods between two Founding Fathers & Former Presidents!. My question is this - is their any evidence to suggest that Adams & Jefferson ever met in person during this period or was their "reconciliation" limited to those now-famous letters!? How sad it would be if the latter was true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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No, they were both pretty old when they reconciled and weren't able to travel that far!. The rest of your question is very factual and good!. Keep up with history!. You're good at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they ever met in person!. They both died on July 4th, 1826, though, exactly 50 years after America's official Independence Day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com