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Question: Help with essay questions!?
I'm working on essay question, and kinda need help!? (it's practice one, so I wanna see how I do)

-We employ many devices to maintain or create peace among countires-trade agreements, cultural exchanges, treaties!. But nothing unites humanity as well as a common foe!. Mutual fear of nature or of foreign ideologies is perhaps the greatest diplomacy we know!.

Assignment: What is the most significant means of brining people together in peace!?

Can you guys give me at least 2 good examples!? (It's historical essay!.)
If you can't, can you explain this part, "But nothing unites humanity as well as a common foe!."!? can't quite understand it!. Thanks~!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Explain, "nothing unites humanity as well as a common foe!."
People were best united under Bush, for example, after 9-11!.
(That's when he scored best in the polls!.) Being all afraid of
terrorists, we forgot our other grievances and stepped in line behind him!. (Isn't that what happened in the last national election!?)

What unites people best in peace is common economic interests!. Just my opinion!. What else could be really powerful in bringing people together!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


I would relate it to something YOU or your family is experiencing right now!. I think a great example is the price of raw petroleum What does that mean to the price of gasoline at the pump, or the cost of heating oil, or electricity, and of course the general economy!. What other countries are being affected by this dynamic!? Are countries working to deal with it together!?

If you think about this, you might find more than you need for this assignment!.

Lastly, don't be afraid to approach you teacher on Monday, if the assignment is due later in the week!. Just ask after class!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sports Music Space Exploration

The Olympics, The World Cup, Tour de France other international competitions!. In Europe I think you'd see the effects more, considering there so many nations so close together!.

As for sports improving political situations!.!.!.
In 1987 during the Cold War when communication was minimal between USA and USSR, Lynne Cox swam the Bering Strait from America to the Soviet Union - "a feat that, according to Gorbachev, helped diminish tensions between Russia and the United States!." It required our 2 countries to communicate for reasons other then war!.

Shes not Ghandi, but you get the point!. Her book is, "Swimming to Antarctica!." she did some other similar good stuff!.

Space programs have always brought 1st world countries together!. USA/ Russia, international space station!. The European Space Agency is composed of 14 different nations!. In the name of science many countries cooperate with one another!.

Bob Marley, had very strong political influence!. He was a target for assasinations b/c of his power and influence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com