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Position:Home>History> Knights of the temple ??

Question: Knights of the temple !?!?
Okay!.!. many people here know them " I guess" and my project here is to find as much info about them and write an essay!.!.

So I need your help to tell me about the knights of the temple as I know really little about them and im starting to work about it!.

And I have another Q too!.!. there were people at that time!.!. forgot their names their name starts with an "M" I think they were the mansons =S Something like that

So I want full story,, or whatever you know as fast as possible please!. =D

Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Let start with the Masons:

They’re probably the greatest mystery in the world!. The freemasons are a centuries old order/ organization with many secrets!. Many believe they control the governments of many powerful countries today!. & there are many conspiracy theories about them!. Some suggest that the Knight Templar is one of the freemasons’ sub organizations!.

The knights Templar or the knights of the Temple were an order, which was established right after the 1st crusade!. Its goal was to defend Christian pilgrims to the holy land!. It contained a full time knights who receive exclusive training in order to succeed in their missions!. They were also well equipped & they processed number of castles!.

The knights Templar had developed in many fields!. In addition to military, they became bakers!. Over years, they had also developed some bad reputation & some Christians regarded them as heretics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com