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Position:Home>History> What is the opinion on the kennedys?

Question: What is the opinion on the kennedys!?
do ulike them/not like them,whic is your favorite/least favorie etc!.

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like them, I think they are cool and very interesting people, It's just sad about the way people talk about them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, JFK enjoyed more popularity in death than he did in life -- most people were more enthralled with Jackie and the kids than they were with JFK, himself, even though he was a remarkably charismatic and talented man -- war hero, Pulitzer prize-winning author, senator!. (Ah, a Democrat who actually DID something, "for a change" -- shame he was such a womanizing snake in the grass!.)

Least favorite is Teddy, who I think has coasted all his life on his family name, without a lot to back it up!. He knows where a lot of bodies are buried, due to his father and brothers!. I find it reprehensible that he was not prosecuted for vehicular homicide in the case of Mary Jo Kopeckne and have very little respect for him, and less for the citizens of Massachusetts that keep re-electing him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um!.!.!.they both got shot!. JFK was a democrat, which is why democrats like the Kennedy's, but he was not as liberal as many democrats are today!.!.!.he did however want to give up the military into the hands of the U!.N!. which !.!.in my opinion!.!.!.would have been a really bad idea!. He was also going to pull out soldiers from Vietnam and start ending the war!.!.!.Lyndon Johnson would have lost millions considering that he basically owned all the helicopters and stuff being used over there!. You can see why he was making enemies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Never met any of them, don't believe all that I read, but I know there was no such thing as Camelot!. Pretty stories!. From what I've read, (Biographies) not magazines, the Kennedy men were hot headed, alcoholic, and never could keep it in their pants!. Hard to say though, they have had their share of hard luck!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My father was no fan of the Kennedys, but he did like Bobby!. He always said that they shot the wrong one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com