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Position:Home>History> Ladd school in rhode island?

Question: Ladd school in rhode island!?
has anyone been!? what happened when you went!? would you go again!? or did you work there!? was it as really as badd as they say!? any servivors!? -- anything about it would help !?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've been to the Ladd School, many times during my youth as a member of CCD!. We went there to celebrate Christmas with the children!.
I remember that it smelled awful, and it was colorless, solemn and kind of eerie!. The "kids" there were so blank looking, like they were just bodies with no mind!. Of course, the only ones we were exposed to were the "safe" ones, so my memories are really mild and sort of sad!. It was, thankfully, closed in the 90's at some point, I think it was!. There were a lot of stories of abuse there, when I was a teen!. Seeing Haunted Hill as an adult reminded me of some of the stories!.
It's got a long history in RI!.!.!.!.here is a good piece about it!.!.!.

Here, also, are a couple of others I found!.!.!.

Hi C!.
In recent years, there have been numerous reports of hauntings at the school!. People have heard voices that were whispering, talking, and even screaming!. Some people claim to have been touched or grabbed when nobody else was around to do so!. Others have reported being touched or hit with objects that they believe to have been wielded by ghosts!. Upon entering the building, they find it to be very cold, dank, and uncomfortable!.
Now C, I wonder if all these things are true iven that the Ladd School and surrounding area is private property, so unless these people who made these reports had permission, they shouldn't have been there in the first place (just a little warning to those reading)!. The "phantom car" could actually have been a patrol car going around looking for possible trespassers!. The noises heard around the building, such as the voices, could possibly be those of homeless people who have found their way into the school!. It is intact for the most part and could accommodate such people to a certain degree!. The radios malfunctioning could be due to the area just being one for bad reception!.
The Ladd School is a sad spot on our state's history and it still stands to remind us of how an innocent institution became so dark and cruel!. None of us may ever know what took place in those halls but if spirits of the dead do indeed remain here, it must have been something very wrong; something they want us to know!.
C, I'm sorry if this is not the answer you were looking for!.
Good luck my friend,,