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Question: Fort Sumter questions!. Civil War!?
Search Google for "Bruce Catton The Civil War"
Then click the book!.

That is the book im reading!.
I got questions also!.

They are!.!.
Describe the event of Ft Sumter!. Include who first laid siege to the fort, why the fighting took place, what happened to the flag, and how many were killed!?

If your looking through the book, tell me which page it starts on!. I cant find anything on the starting of Ft Sumter!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry, I haven't read that book in awhile or googling it now!. The Confederates first laid siege to the fort!. They were trying to prevent the fort being being resupplied by the Union, which they were not at war with before that moment!. The flag was recovered, saved and flown there at the end of the war, only about two people were killed (Union), as a cannon salute was being fired (cannon misfired), as the Union was surrendering the fort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Confederate Army began bombarding the Fort at 4:30AM April 12th, 1861!. The fighting took place because General P!. G!. T!. Beauregard was ordered by the secretary of war Leroy Pope Walker to order that the Fort be evacuated and if it was not, to destroy it!.
As for casualties: "Surprisingly, neither side suffered casualties nor were any civilians hurt, and the only deaths came when a gun salute exploded at the surrender ceremony!." I believe that two Union soldiers died during the surrendor ceremony!.

U!.S!. Army Major Robert Anderson took the flag with him when he surrendered!. The flag had previously fell when the flagpole had bin hit during battle!. It was then replaced by the Confederate flag after the battle!.The flag now belongs to the National Park Service!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There should be an index in the back of the book!. Look under Fort Sumter and it will give you the page numbers!.

Is the book you're reading a single volume!? Catton wrote a "Centennial History of the Civil War" in 3 volumes!. He also wrote "The Army of the Potomac" in 3 volumes!. All excellent!.


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