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Position:Home>History> Will you explain the 'American Revolution'?

Question: Will you explain the 'American Revolution'!?
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The "English Colonies" became "American Colonies" after a while, by virtue of a whole generation of people being born or raised there, and it probably started to seem pretty ridiculous to them, that they had to continue "sending all their profits" to the other side of the ocean, when it was THEIR hard earned backs that earned those profits, and their families were becoming more "American" than English," with a huge amount of people living there who had never even been to England!.!.!.plus!.!.!.

Those ornery "leaders of the colonies" started resenting their constituents being "taxed without any say in the matter!.!.!."

And they knew they could probably get away with "breaking off with the Queen thing" by virtue of the "Atlantic Ocean" disadvantage England would have keeping a war supply line going indefinitely!.!.!.and those darn English rulers often meted out punishment injustly and without due process!.!.!.due to expediency!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's amazing how many people don't really know how or why the American Revolution started!. I've seen answers like "Fat Americans" and "Rich" it can't be further from the truth!.

In the first place the British held the Colonists at bay with their tactics of bivouacking soldiers in the private homes of the people, making them feed and cater o them or else!. These same soldiers upon leaving, took what was necessary to feed and clothe them!.

The taxes were 60% of what the earned or more, acording the the needs of the soldiers or the Brtish commonwealth!.
Stop and think about this, sixty percent of what a man made, went to a King no one ever saw or knew, or else again!.

Can it make anyone wonder why there was a revolution !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

the rich and powerfull were the instigaters,as they knew that the british government were giving back large area;s of land that were stolen from the natives by the rich colonists,there was a bill going into parliament to bring the native americans under the wing of the british government to protect their rights,also it was only a matter of time before slavery was abolished and again the rich colonists had the most to lose,they stirred up the poor by demonizing the king because it was the poor who would do all the fighting,etc etc,think about it ,all the leaders were from wealthy landowners ie washington,franklin etc etc, and the average person was no better off and in fact they were worse off as they had no protection from the wealthy,but american history books wont tell you this,Www@QuestionHome@Com

The English colonies in what was to become America were started in one of two major ways!.
1!. Undesirables from England (Puritans, etc) were given leases, which they bought from the crown, to establish colonies in the New World based on freedom from religious curtailment or persecution!. In these instances, the colonists were unwanted by England, but still continued to be English citizens!.
2!. By charter, especially to trading companies who sought to turn a profit for the crown!. Again, the people who settled were still English citizens!.
Now, thats way oversimplified, and leaves out a lot of history, but its a starting point!
Every colony established was self sufficient!. Many failed, some prospered!. Those that thrived found themselves stringently taxed by England to finance her war (The French and Indian War), they found themsleves unable to buy from foreign merchants other than England for the necessities they couldn't produce!. What they could buy from other countries had heavy taxes placed on it, making it nearly impossible to afford!. They were not allowed to have any government of their own!.!.!.not even their own court to deal with issues that were specific to the colonies!. They were denied the printing of their own paper currency!. The access to new areas, like land beyond the Appalachian Mountains was denied!.!.!.primarly because England didn't want another confrontation with the Indians!. The people who were here, Englsih citizens still, were being denied the rights that English citizens living in the home country had!. The were denied representation, in Parliament, and that was a huge affront to a group of people who were colonizing to profit the crown!.
Generations, literally, of people who had never seen England, who had fought for their property, toiled to produce a home, a business, grow crops!.!.!.!., were being expected to supply England with her debt relief, without gaining anything!. All in all, Englands policiy of treating the colonists was responsible for the revolutionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Don't forget the French!. Afterall it was they who did the main support and fighting that took some of the British interests, them and the Native Indians using tactics we weren't ready for, like not standing in a line to get shot!.

Even Hollywoods own skewed vision of reality (Patriot with Mel Gibson) portrayed the 10000 French and their Navy (VERY important to the civil war and keeping the British supply lines busy)

I just find it ironic as Americans don't like the Frenchtoday yet they helped get the US it's independence!. And the French didn't help out of wanting to free America, they did because they hated us more!.

But I guess a government miles away with no real benefit to the people, and a wanting to control their own lives sparked it!. A couple of vocal people whipping up support and you have a movement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Big fat Americans want more pies, so they start a war against the authorities to increase the supply of pies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com