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Position:Home>History> How Power-full was Abraham Lincoln.?

Question: How Power-full was Abraham Lincoln!.!?
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Almost a puppet history done more for him than he could ever do for himself He couldnt even keep the books for his own Tavern
Not the sharpest pencil by any meansWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lincoln was the man!. First ever to ignore habeus corpus,by flinging desenters into jail in Maryland!. He was able to fight a war with little or no leadership in his generals,until the last year or so!. He was spending a million dollars a day for this war virtually without full agreement of his congress!. His wife had relatives in the confederate cause, he weathered countless battle loses,lost his son, his advisors were not much help, but he was able to do what he set out to do,keep the country intact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the Commander in Chief is always powerful, though he still depends on the Congress for funding!. In effect, from April 9 until his death on April 15, 1865, he was practically the absolute ruler of the former Confederacy!.

He did suspend Habeus Corpus, based on Article I, Section 9 Paragraph 2, where it says the "The privilege of the writ of habeus corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it"

Lincoln did carry on the war for almost 8 months before Congress authorized the actions of the President!.

He did order the arrest of a newspaper editor for starting a rumor that US currency was about to be devalued!. The conspiracy was intended to raise the price of gold, owing to a loss of confidence in the government's credit!.

As far as I know the rule of "plausible deniablity" may have been in force in the instances where opposition presses were destroyed in the North!. The information has been difficult to find, since the papers I have access to online are the Chicago Tribune and New York Times, both Republican papers at the time!. Lamon's book does mention several copperhead papers that were run out of business!. He was Lincoln's former law partner and his personal body guard (he slept on the floor outside the president's bedroom door) so its likely Lincoln was aware of these actions, but there's no indication that he ordered them!.

He also had troubles with his military governors, such as John C!. Fremont, the 1856 Republican candidate for President, who seized slaves from slaveholders in Missouri and set them free!. This is prior to the 13th amendment, and Lincoln fired him for this, since it amounted to the unlawful seizure of property, and placed Missouri's status at risk as a border state!. The state had nearly gone Confederate in 1861, so there was a definite danger involved!. Fremont was later given a corps during the Shenandoah valley campaign!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was President, thus as powerful as the constitution allowed him to be!. He was a part of the executive branch, so he couldn't pass laws, but could veto!. ( I think that is right!.!.!.!. he was president long ago!.!.!.!. and history class was long ago!.!.!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

With a congress that was unwilling to prosocute any offense because they "had a war on", Lincoln was practically a despot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was pretty powerfull!.!.!.!.until he was assassinatedWww@QuestionHome@Com

he was prtty gangsta!.Www@QuestionHome@Com