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Position:Home>History> Who can give me information about the Control of the Cristian Church in the midd

Question: Who can give me information about the Control of the Cristian Church in the middle ages!?
Specifically in Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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The control of the Christian church was entire control of western Europe!. They controlled the schooling, if you wanted to study or have any sort of education you had to join the church, and they controlled all the towns!. The monks and priests would teach the people of Europe how to act and live their lives!. Remember most people could not read or write!. The church set the standard for living and how to live!. They created medieval thought with St!. Anselm!. St!. Augustine taught people that sex was a sin!. The best result of this was the crusades!. So many people joined that it became a mass migration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was only one politically important Christian Church in Europe during the Middle Ages -- the Roman Catholic Church!. Christianity had already split into Eastern (also called Orthodox) and Western (also called Roman) factions, but the Protestant Reformation had not yet occurred, so Christianity in Europe was not yet splintered into the many different subdivisions that we know today!.

European Christians at that time had no concept of the separation of Church and State!. Today, in the democratic West, we believe that governments get their power from the consent of the people they govern!. Back then, however, it was widely accepted that political power was granted by God, that rulers (usually Kings, but occasionally Queens) exercised their authority by divine mandate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Middle Ages was a long period, and things didn't remain static!. Briefly, control of the church or parts of it was a continual struggle between the central authority of the pope and the regional authority of the bishops!. And between the church and the secular lords and kings who held local power!.
The confrontation at Canossa was perhaps the most famous example of this conflict, but far from the only one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com