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Position:Home>History> Question(s) about the World Trade Center Attack?

Question: Question(s) about the World Trade Center Attack!?
Although there were two airline jets that flown into each of the biuldings of the world trade center; some people say that there were bombs hidden in the world trade center!. They say that someone hid bombs to help it collapse and kill more people!. Do you believe that!. Do you believe that the U!.S!. would harm our citizens!? also, what do you think was the main reason for people falling out of the World Trade Center before it collapsed!? Do you think they wanted to committe suicide because they were trapped and were surrouned by smoke and fire!? Do you know anyone who was in the World Trade Center when it was attacked!? I'm just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Towers fell because thousands of gallons of fuel heated the support beams until they softened and bent, then fell apart, cause one floor to 'pancake' into another!.
The Towers had fire insulation that was to last one hour!. It lasted longer!. They were very well made, with the flaw of not having enough seperated escape stairs!.
The simple answer is usually the best answer!. No reason to suspect bombs!.!.!.fire explains everything, and it is amazing that the towers not only survived being hit by huge planes going 300 miles per hour, but lasted thru the flames so long!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are going to get some crazy answer to this, but here is what I think, terrorists to over some planes and ran them into the world trade center towers, why would you need more bombs, just think you how big 747's are, and how much jet fuel they carry!. The people that were jumping out were scared to be burned alive or suffocate from the smoke and fire!. I just don't know how all these rumors started, but it really gets old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As in every tragedy that marks a nation--and its individuals--for life, conspiracy theories spring up like mushrooms almost immediately!.

No, cynical as I often can be regarding the government, I doubt that they'd stoop to killing their own citizens!. And, if there was a vast conspiracy with Osama bin Laden, don't you think that someone, somewhere, would have leaked it by now!?

One of my favorite adages is Benjamin Franklin's observation that "Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead"--if that small a number would be hard put to keep quiet about something, what is the likelihood of thousands being able to do so!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a controlled demolition so yeah there was bombs inside and bombs going off in consecutive manners is how the people who were actually there describes it!.

3000 people means nothing when the Israel Lobby at Capitol Hill together with Bush wants to make profits!.

the people panicked and didnt want to get burned alive plus the extreme build up of heat probably melting their skin made them jump out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have a look at some of Fred Dimpnah and work!. There are lots of tapes showing his demolition work!. I have an open mind about the whole thing!. If you find out something new please post it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is a lot of questions

i don't believe there were bombs
never has never been proof of it

plus i have seen steel weakened by fire
before, so i know it can happen
and it wasn't a hot fire either

i have not known anyone from the buildingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

There has been a lot of research on this scenario!. There were no bombs needed for the building to collapse as it did!. It has more to do with heat from the jet fuel fires and the way in which the towers were contructed!. However, the floors sagged and this pulled inward on the columns that were somewhat weakened by the blasts!. This brought an inward force on the walls too!. Since the plane on the first entered from the north end, the forces and heat were concentrated on the south end!. The other plane came in on an angle from the south going north east, causing the east side to collapse first!.

also, given the more hollow nature of the buildings, more floors were effected by the blasts and the fires!. The core columns were largely effected over a greater area, and had lost their fireproof coating (making them more vulnerable!. With the redistribution of weight on various columns, it could not hold!. The weight above the impact sites was too much for the weakened construction to bear!. and it collapsed causing a chain reaction to its final demise!.

This progression would sound like bombs going off as massive beams and floors are collapsing!. So, just because it sounded like bombs, doesn't mean that there were any!. There has been no evidence of bombs, and the material has been searched!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do know someone that was in the World Trade Center when it was attacked!. My cousins husband who works for Chase Manhattan was in the building he had just gotten there and was getting his coffee at a shop on the bottom floor!. No I don't think there were bombs in the building it collapsed because of extreme temperatures that melted the structure of the building!. also, I think this is why people were jumping out of the building due to extreme temperatures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the 1st guy
http://www!.snopes!.com/rumors/israel!.asp#!.!.!. - the "truth" he claims came from Pravda & Al-Manar Television - Pro Palestinian Channel of Arabs & Muslims!.!.!.

http://usinfo!.state!.gov/media/Archive/20!.!.!. - another site to dispute his "truth"

A partial list of 390 Cantor Fitzgerald employees who died (out of 658 in the company) lists 49 Jewish memorial services, which is between 12% and 13%!.
http://myfriendsphotos!.tripod!.com/cf!.htm!.!.!. - the ones that say "Temple" should be a dead giveaway as to who was Jewish!.!.!.!.

To answer the question - "Loose Change" gives their answer as some firemen did hear some loud "booms" and shows how building on fire will burn for a much longer period of time before it will collapse!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The pattern of collapse of the WTC was not that of a building attacked by a missile laden with explosives, but like that of a programmed demolition of urban buildings!.
You can get an video clip of any controlled demolition to convince yourself about this!.

Q) Do you believe that!. Do you believe that the U!.S!. would harm our citizens!?
A) There are two types of citizens of US:- Israeli and its supporters and the commoners like you!. The US government has saved the Jews working in the WTC!. All the Jewish employees of the WTC were mysteriously found to be absent from work at WTC on 911 !!!! Can u believe that!? But this is the truth!.

Q) what do you think was the main reason for people falling out of the World Trade Center before it collapsed!?
A) Because explosions were occurring in the building even before the impact of the crash may start damaging the lower floors(The video footage clearly shows many explosions in the lower floors well below the impact zone)!.
They were caught between the devil and the deep sea!. The fierce explosions from the implanted explosives, turned them mad and they just jumped out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com