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Position:Home>History> JFK or RFK?

Question: JFK or RFK!?
which do you prefer and why

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
RFK by a mile, more radical, more genuine!. If he had become president he could well have revolutionised American society for the better!. JFK never sounded as good, and had nearly 3 years as president; during which time all he did was bomb Laos, try to invade Cuba and make a few cute speeches!.

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I'm only 15, so I never experienced the Kennedy Era, however, from what I have learned through research, it seems to me that Robert Kennedy was much better suited for politics!. While John F!. Kennedy was much better in the PR field, and made some great speeches, Robert played hardball politics and could handle almost any situation effectively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
