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Position:Home>History> Is there any way that i can make an invention and it can spread through america?

Question: Is there any way that i can make an invention and it can spread through america!?
i was watching t!.v and this lady got famous for making a clock background out of cow pooop! shes a millianare now!.!. if i were to make a REALLY great invention how would i get it out there, so people know what it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Depends on what the invention is!.

I did marketing work for a guy who invented and patented an idea for the construction business!.

He made lots of calls and sent the CD I created to lots of prospective investors!. I think he's going to be a millionaire soon!.

Usually people invent things by working for someone and seeing a need for something!. Keep an eye out and once you have a good idea, work on it and make sure you patent it!. The hardest step is marketing it, but with a little help you can do it!.

Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you were to come up with a cheaper, dependable fuel cell for a hybrid car, you'd make a bundle!.

There's a millionaire working to promote that now, I think!.

And T!. Boone Pickens, a Texas oil man, is promoting alternate energy sources now, according to the story I saw, he says he's made enough on oil, and wants to start promoting green technologies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com