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Question: Tudor siblings!?
I do alot of reading about the Tudors, especially Phillipa Gregory, but also Karen Harper and Alison Weir!. I have two questions, who was older, Mary or Anne Bullen/Boleyn!. Second, was Catherine or Henry Carey( marys children) older!? thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some speculate Anne was born in 1501 or 1502; others place it at 1507!. The most recent scholarship supports 1507 as the year of Anne's birth!. Mary was born a year later, in 1508!. Their only surviving sibling was an older brother George, born in 1503!.

Henry Carey's date of birth (4 March 1526) suggests that his conception may have postdated the affair; but Katherine was probably the elder of the two!.

You might want to read this:

there are quite a few debates as to who is older!.!.!.!.current thought has always been that anne was older but now evidence suggests that mary may, in fact, be the older of the sisters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com