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Position:Home>History> Did America ever plan to invade Japan via South China during WW2?

Question: Did America ever plan to invade Japan via South China during WW2!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not really!. Southern China is too far away from Japan, and all the major ports on the Chinese east coast were in Japanese hands!.

You can see maps of Allied invasion plans here:


As you can see, Okinawa is a much nearer and a more logical jumping-off point!. Any invasion from China could have been interdicted by Japanese forces based in Formosa (Taiwan) or on the Chinese mainland!.

In 1944 and early 1945 the US did use bases in southern China for long-range B29 bombers to attack Japan!. However, the operation was eventually halted and the bombers transferred to the Mariana Islands nearer Japan!. This is because it was too difficult to supply the bombers based in China!. Japanese control of the seas near the China coast made seaborne supply impossible, and overland supply from India was too difficult for large-scale operations!.


I'm sure it was thought over, but I don't think it was ever seriously considered!. McArthur came up with the "island hopping" strategy, which we felt was our best option to slowly liberate those islands and save more American lives!.

To try and go in through China would have been more costly, and Japan had people in China that would have slowed us down and cost hundreds of thousands of lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com