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Position:Home>History> Why do they call them "hobo" bags, like fashion purses?

Question: Why do they call them "hobo" bags, like fashion purses!?
what is a hobo!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Definitions of Hobo bag on the Web:

* a soft, large bag that has a zip top and shoulder strap!. Tends to crunch down when carried or laid down!.

* A generally large, unstructured bag with a half-circle or curving shape and a short, over-the-shoulder strap!. Considered part of the Bohemian trend!.

* The hobo bag is a style of handbag or purse that is typically large and characterized by a crescent shape, a slouchy posture and a long strap !.!.!.
en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hobo bag


Related phrases: hobo nickel hobo bag hobo spider hobo 13 hobo jungle gorō hobo hobo syndrome hobo marks hobo-dyer projection hobo: events

Definitions of Hobo on the Web:

* A homeless person, typically one who is traveling in search of work!. Though often used derogatorily to refer to such a person, it is also used !.!.!.

* A large, soft tote usually with a zipper and a shoulder strap that sags slightly when hung on the shoulder!.

* tramp: a disreputable vagrant; "a homeless tramp"; "he tried to help the really down-and-out bums"

* Hobo is a term that refers to a subculture of wandering homeless people, particularly those who make a habit of hopping freight trains!. !.!.!.

* Hobo, or Hobo: A Young Man's Thoughts On Trains and Tramping in America, (ISBN 0-609-60738-3) is non-fiction, autobiographical novel written by Eddy Joe Cotton (though this is a nickname, with his real name being Zebu Recchia)!.
en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hobo (book)

* Hobo is the third album by American actor and singer/songwriter Billy Bob Thornton!. It was released by Big Deal Records in 2005!.
en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hobo (album)

* HoBO is a bi-annual, avant-garde magazine!. Through collections of interviews, essays, and photo stories HoBO interviews celebrities, and other media figures!. Founded by Shawn Dogimont, editor and chief as well as art director, and Christian Dogimont, publisher!. !.!.!.
en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hobo (magazine)

* Hobo was a fortnightly city guide and listings magazine which covered West Berlin during the 1970's!. The magazine had been known as the Kreuzberger Nachtlaterne but in 1971, after publisher Per-J?rg Meschkat had observed the success of Time Out magazine during a visit to London, he reworked !.!.!.
en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hobo (German magazine)

* a homeless person in some way associated with a life on the rails; in an informal style, as in a hobo jacket or purse; or hobo style parking (i!.e!., first come, first served); or hobo stew (made of whatever ingredients are available)

a hobo is a homeless person!.
that style just looks like something for a hobo i guess!. like a hobo hat!. it's a brown knitted beret!. it just looks like something a hobo could wear!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Homeless people use to tie a large bandanna on the end of a stick so it resembled a pouch!. They carried their belongings in that pouch!. Hobo handbags resemble what real hobos used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A hobo is a homeless person in a sense and its called a hobo bag because you can put tons of stuff in them!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Hobo_bagWww@QuestionHome@Com

originally a Hobo was a person who travelled around looking for work during the depression of the 1930's!. He usually carried all he could in a sack of some kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
