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Position:Home>History> German speakers......please help?

Question: German speakers!.!.!.!.!.!.please help!?
My aunt is ill in a hospital in colon germany!. I want to look up the hospital and get the phone number using yahoo germany but i don't know how to spell in german!.
How would I spell - Saint Joseph ( josef !? ) hospital in Colon, Germany!?
I don't even know if i'd spell colon the same!.
Please help!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here is the Telephone # for the hospital:
St!. Josef-Hospital Troisdorf
Hospitalstra?e 45
53840 Troisdorf
Tel!.: (02241) 801 -0
Fax: (02241) 801 -368

You will need to find help contacting an operator to dial out of the country though!. also it's Cologne, GermanyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hi all i know is that instead of Cologne they call it Koln sorry cant help anymore good luck and best wishes!. Hi just looked in Yahoo local there is no St Josef (Joseph) Hospital listed in cologne!.Www@QuestionHome@Com